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  1. C

    can planting near a creek hurt or hlp

    i plan to plant about twenty plants outside i know to help them i should start them off inside i have a water source in the woods its a creek can my plants suffer from being to close to the creek will the location of the creek affect how often i should water the plant
  2. C

    few problems getting started

    im getting ready to plant a couple plants in some woods by a creek i found a sunny spot but i need to know how close should my plants be to a water source and ill be starting the plants off inside how should i transport them to the grow site its not far from my house so multiple trips is...
  3. C

    Precautions to take when growing outdoors

    well a litle dish with beer in it will help kill of slugs in the area check ur plants alot to when you go to water them look uder the leaves at the base of the stem look for damage and signs of infestaion im sure theres sum reppelents you an spray in the area to hlp
  4. C

    Welcome New Members!

    i live in south carolina woods are in big supply and i kow a grow spot by a creek if the plants are near the water source will the roots be able to pull watter themselfs or will i still have to carry water to them ad whats the best way to transport the plants from house to grow site its a short walk
  5. C

    Precautions to take when growing outdoors

    to help keep deer from eating them get fishing line and tie bits of human hair to trees around the grow site the oils and scent of the hair ward of deer