Precautions to take when growing outdoors


Alright, so I'm moving my plants that have been growing in my cfl box for roughly 2 weeks outside tomorrow (pics below). I'm gonna transplant them from the 20 oz plastic cups into 5 gal buckets with the same miracle grow soil I'm using now. I'm gonna put the buckets in the bed of an abandoned truck out in some brush so that no animals will eat my crops. After they grow big enough I'll move them to the grow spot.

Can anyone suggest anything that I should do to help my plants survive and thrive outdoors. Particularly, are there any precautions I should take to prevent the plants from getting infected by pests in the future?


to help keep deer from eating them get fishing line and tie bits of human hair to trees around the grow site the oils and scent of the hair ward of deer


Luckily the girl is a hairdresser so she's gonna hook me up with fat sacks of hair... should do the job. I'm more concerned about small bugs infecting my plant and buds once they come around - any suggestions on how to prevent this?
well a litle dish with beer in it will help kill of slugs in the area check ur plants alot to when you go to water them look uder the leaves at the base of the stem look for damage and signs of infestaion im sure theres sum reppelents you an spray in the area to hlp