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  1. T

    Yellow and dead curled leaves, 6 week into flower

    Thanks for the responses. So its possible a combo with 5 gallon bucket not being enough and then a N deficiency on top of that. I can't tell you the NPK just yet because i'm not there atm. I was always afraid to give them too much Nutes but I guess when they are that large, they really do need...
  2. T

    Yellow and dead curled leaves, 6 week into flower

    Im sure you get this question all the time, but am wondering if someone could take a look at the attach pictures. I have two lemon haze with good looking buds but, leaves are dying all the way up to main cola. Its in some fox farm dirt, 5 gallon buckets. I water once every 4 days or so...
  3. T

    Any software available for PC to track your grows?

    ahh. . . .thank you. . .sorry for the wasted thread :/ I need to open up my eyes, little red atm
  4. T

    Any software available for PC to track your grows?

    looking for some software to make tracking my grow easier, i've downloaded a trail of grow assist and looks goot but just curious if there is any free software out there that you can track/update the girls. Anyone know of decent software out there? thanks
  5. T

    Haiku - 5 foot indoor, think they are almost ready to go, how do they look? (pics)

    first ones are the hakiku, if thats actually the name of them, im takeing the some cola's off tomm. . then letting the rest bud. . and the smaller ones are chocolope (from what the guy said anyway), that last pic is one of the ones im chopping :) cant wait
  6. T

    Haiku - 5 foot indoor, think they are almost ready to go, how do they look? (pics)

    thank you. . . will get better next time. . I really like these foxfarm fert's
  7. T

    Haiku - 5 foot indoor, think they are almost ready to go, how do they look? (pics)

    Nice, I can't wait to get my hands on a MH to HPS coversionbulb. . will be worth it
  8. T

    Haiku - 5 foot indoor, think they are almost ready to go, how do they look? (pics)

    awesome man. . . good luck! you got a pic's of your girls?, i'd love to compare. . . though i bet your using a HPS and not a metal hailad. . im waiting to till tax time to get a conversion bulb!
  9. T

    Haiku - 5 foot indoor, think they are almost ready to go, how do they look? (pics)

    Im a little paranoid i guess about posting on this site. . . .whats to stop a someone who shouldn't be here. . .from just signing up and being here, that would be easy pickin's. . . sorry, a bit off topic but, how do you guys deal with that??
  10. T

    Haiku - 5 foot indoor, think they are almost ready to go, how do they look? (pics)

    didn't even think of doing that. . .i have a 30x on the way but, dont think it will be here in time. I think im gonna have to try and determine that from the pistal color, thats just a rough guess though. . im hoping for this 30x to come in the next week or so thanks for the info!
  11. T

    Haiku - 5 foot indoor, think they are almost ready to go, how do they look? (pics)

    pic 18 is a good shot, how much longer you guys thinkin?
  12. T

    Haiku - 5 foot indoor, think they are almost ready to go, how do they look? (pics)

    thanks. .. 2nd try at it. . . one of those i threw in 2 weeks later, the other ones have gotta be getting close though, the person who im in it with insist's on this sunday, im saying too soon, trying to wait for my 30x mag glass
  13. T

    Haiku - 5 foot indoor, think they are almost ready to go, how do they look? (pics)

    these are only under 1 400w metal haliade and they seem to be doing amazing. . . what do you guys think? Guy that i got the clones from said they were haiku, i've never heard of this strain but it is looking pretty sweet. Does this strain look familar to anyone? 1-1-11
  14. T

    What light to use, i have a few options 400w MH or 150hps - - flowering

    Well they are flowering on the 3rd week now....I think its too late for that now no?
  15. T

    What light to use, i have a few options 400w MH or 150hps - - flowering

    thanks for the links, that bulb is pretty cheat, and looks like it would deff be worth it
  16. T

    What light to use, i have a few options 400w MH or 150hps - - flowering

    I think thats what im going to do, the 150 just wont cut it for 3 plants. . . .Not sure if I should put the 150 in also, it can't hurt anything but little worried about the heat with the 400mh also. . . i will keep the thread updated
  17. T

    What light to use, i have a few options 400w MH or 150hps - - flowering

    thanks. . but i know right. . they are huge...just a bit concerned with how much taller they will get :? , i've got 6 clones going right now, no way am i going to let them wait so long before I hit the switch
  18. T

    What light to use, i have a few options 400w MH or 150hps - - flowering

    So those are definitly worth the money then huh? i've attached some pics of my girls