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  1. T

    What light to use, i have a few options 400w MH or 150hps - - flowering

    true, might be a better option, im still curious about those conversion lamps, wonder if they are worth the cash.. . .if they do what they say they do then i'd think i'd be better off just buying a 400w MH to HPS coversion bulb. . . hmmmm
  2. T

    What light to use, i have a few options 400w MH or 150hps - - flowering

    thanks for the info, that really isn't to bad per month. . . from what i read anything above 90 is not good for the babies, so im just a little concerned with the heat aspect of it. Guess the only way to truly find out is to throw it in and try it out. The plants look soo much better with the...
  3. T

    What light to use, i have a few options 400w MH or 150hps - - flowering

    I was also looking at maybe a conversion bulb, MH to HPS. . .. Im just not sure how well those work, any thoughts?
  4. T

    What light to use, i have a few options 400w MH or 150hps - - flowering

    so how much more power do you think a 150hps will use on 12/12, do you think these will make the closet much hotter? Like i said we have a 400MH in there with a 4inch outlet fan. . .temp stays about 81 or 82. What do you guys think?
  5. T

    What light to use, i have a few options 400w MH or 150hps - - flowering

    thats what i was thinking about, just a little concerned with heat and electric use. . . a 150 shouldn't take up too much juice right? Guess because its only on 12/12 it shouldn't be too bad. I have the temp sitting at about 81 which is perfect, but again it is only a 150 so i can't seeing...
  6. T

    What light to use, i have a few options 400w MH or 150hps - - flowering

    Hello, I have a little problem here, Im not sure what to use here. I have a 400w MH going on about 3 weeks into flower, I was given an 150hps. I know HPS is much better to use when flowering but im just not sure if 150w is enough to keep my plants happy. I have 3 plants that are fairly tall, and...
  7. T

    First GROW and think they are almost ready to harvest

    updated pix, i think i have the mites in check but they did do some damage :( edit : forgot to mention i changed the lights directly on top of the plants to CFL 2700k color, this is the correct thing to do right? unfortunalty i will not be able to get a HPS light before these are ready so im...
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    First GROW and think they are almost ready to harvest

    Do you think that pyola stuff should take care of most bugs i have on my plants?
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    First GROW and think they are almost ready to harvest

    About a month away huh? Guess i was a bit premature with the title, lol. I did have an insect problem but im pretty sure i took care of that with pyola. Those leaf's look like those were spidermites that got to them right? Also, should i have the fan blowing on these things until i actually...
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    First GROW and think they are almost ready to harvest

    Hey, this was my first grow, and my stupid ass didn't invest in a high sodium yet but i will be getting one for my next flower cycle, currently have 3 clones going but these are the ones i'm getting ready to harvest. Anyone have any idea on what strain these are? Guy that gave me the clones a...
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    freind gave me a few plants, think i need help! (pic's inside)

    very imformative site here, thanks for the help. I am going to drill the holes and start flushing, I am not sure what nutes i should be using but that shouldn't be a problem the next few weeks. I hear that mircle grow should not be used at all. I need to get to the store and take another look...
  12. T

    freind gave me a few plants, think i need help! (pic's inside)

    hmm, im guessing i should drill a few holes in the pots, right now they do not have drain holes. . . so to flush i just put more water then normal and let it drain out right? pretty new to this, lol thanks
  13. T

    freind gave me a few plants, think i need help! (pic's inside)

    Overall they were very healthy when i got them, nice and dark green. I've noticed that they are getting lighter now and also the tips and edges of the leaves are turning brown. Could this be from lack of nutes or water? Also the containers dont seem to be deep enough, it seems to me anyway...