First GROW and think they are almost ready to harvest


Active Member
Hey, this was my first grow, and my stupid ass didn't invest in a high sodium yet but i will be getting one for my next flower cycle, currently have 3 clones going but these are the ones i'm getting ready to harvest. Anyone have any idea on what strain these are? Guy that gave me the clones a while back said they were purple haze and then one was white widow, but who knows. Anyway, what do you guys think?

these were under 27w CFL's with 5000k color temp. Im definitly looking to get a light within a month for the next set of clones. I know the buds are small because of the lights but i am very happy the way they look, as small as they are



Active Member
About a month away huh? Guess i was a bit premature with the title, lol. I did have an insect problem but im pretty sure i took care of that with pyola. Those leaf's look like those were spidermites that got to them right? Also, should i have the fan blowing on these things until i actually cut it down or should i stop that a week or so before harvesting with no fan on at all? Sorry, a complete newbie here


Well-Known Member
Keep the fan on until you chop.

Look under the leaves for mites or eggs - a magnifier helps.
You will have to re-treat to kill any mites that hatch after you treated the plants.


Active Member
updated pix, i think i have the mites in check but they did do some damage :(

edit : forgot to mention i changed the lights directly on top of the plants to CFL 2700k color, this is the correct thing to do right? unfortunalty i will not be able to get a HPS light before these are ready so im stuck with the CFL's. If my mites come back which i think they will, what is the best way to get rid of these things while they are flowering? Hit them hard with water? I just hope my first grow comes out successful! lol

thanks for any help

