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    Strange things going on with my mr. nice and dynomite. Any Thoughts?

    O, also i use cal/mag 0-0-2 along with the Age Old Grow
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    Strange things going on with my mr. nice and dynomite. Any Thoughts?

    Been vegging these for a while under t5's. The golden/light green spots on The dynomite leaves started popping up a few days ago. Same with the mr nice dying leaf tips. And it seems like there is a lot of leaves dying on the very bottom of some of the plants. I know some is normal but i know...
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    New Growth tacoing, have pics. any suggestions?

    Thanks dutch. and at least i know what i have to do to get the ph up now right :) hope it helps
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    New Growth tacoing, have pics. any suggestions?

    so i flushed one of em with 5 gal of low 7ph water (one gallon pot). and yes, it took that much water for me to get the runoff to even the low sixes (around 6.2?). so here is the before pic. and hopefully i will have pics in a few days that show some promise. Wish me luck!
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    New Growth tacoing, have pics. any suggestions?

    I know flushing would probably be best.. but i got quite a few of these lil guys so i was wondering if i just raised the ph of my water/food to something like 7.2 and water with that. Would that counter the low ph levels and allow the magnes to be better processed by the plant?
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    New Growth tacoing, have pics. any suggestions?

    yea that definitely could be the problem. My water ph is around 6.5, I checked the soil runoff tho and its in the mid 5 range! Should i add ph-up to my water, if so before or after i add nutes? I think i remember reading that adjust ph before adding nutes, but i could be mistaken. Any other...
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    New Growth tacoing, have pics. any suggestions?

    My mr. nice clones have been under a 6 bulb t5 (6500k) for about 2 weeks. Rooms at 80 degrees f, and around 80% humidity. I got a fan 3 days ago to improve my poor ventilation (closet) and i run it during the day off at night. Curling started to occur about 5 days ago. I did my first feeding...