New Growth tacoing, have pics. any suggestions?


Active Member
My mr. nice clones have been under a 6 bulb t5 (6500k) for about 2 weeks. Rooms at 80 degrees f, and around 80% humidity. I got a fan 3 days ago to improve my poor ventilation (closet) and i run it during the day off at night.

Curling started to occur about 5 days ago. I did my first feeding with cal mag 2-0-0, age old 12-6-6, and molasses 0-0-2 about 3 days ago all at half recommended potency. As you can see from the pics there is also discoloration on some of the medium sized leaves( parts are light green others are darker). I can't tell if they are improving or not at this point.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!



Well-Known Member
That looks like Magnesium deficiency to me. The curled up leaves and the light green interveinal areas with the dark green veins is a good giveaway.

What is your pH? If you are using pH 6.4 or lower, then Magnesium is getting locked out which could cause the leaves to curl up like that. Even if you are adding Cal/Mag, if your pH is too low the plant will not be able to absorb it.


Active Member
yea that definitely could be the problem. My water ph is around 6.5, I checked the soil runoff tho and its in the mid 5 range!
Should i add ph-up to my water, if so before or after i add nutes? I think i remember reading that adjust ph before adding nutes, but i could be mistaken. Any other recomedations are welcome.
I appreciate the help Ant


Well-Known Member
You need to flush the plant if your runoff is that low. Run about 3x as much water as your pot size through it (if you have 2gal pots, run 6 gal water through each to flush it out). After flushing, add some dolomite lime to your soil in order to raise the pH. You can also add some to your water and then water it into the soil. I would try and go for around pH 7 water for now until you get the soil pH corrected. You want to end up between 6.5 and 6.8 when it's all done. The lime will take a while to mix in with the soil and start raising your pH.

Also if you have more than one plant don't try doing it to all of them at once just in case something bad happens! They don't look too bad from your pictures and I would hate to have them all get worse if they don't like the flush or something.


Active Member
on the last picture: see the leaves are curls above, when they do that to the top it means your EC is NOT GOODF and TO high
flusch theme, start over with a ph 6.1 on ground and 5.8 on coco's
it looks on the tops off the leaves they have a problem because you get brown points on top off leaves (to many food)
and iff you not take nutes please put your ph down.
also see the (don't know the name) steals? the collor purple thats a sign to get overfood.
how do you water? how many times.
How old are the plant?

when they curls near (down) your ec is to low.


Active Member
I know flushing would probably be best.. but i got quite a few of these lil guys so i was wondering if i just raised the ph of my water/food to something like 7.2 and water with that.
Would that counter the low ph levels and allow the magnes to be better processed by the plant?


Well-Known Member
The way I understand it, acid salts start building up in your soil when the pH gets too low, and they mostly build up near the top. So each time you water, you push them down a little more into the soil where they lock out nutrients. Flushing pushes them all the way down to the bottom and out so you don't have the salts in the soil anymore.

I've just started experiencing this problem myself for the first time, so I can't be entirely sure on this, but I don't think that just watering with higher pH water will fix the problem.


Active Member
04-24-10_1310.jpg so i flushed one of em with 5 gal of low 7ph water (one gallon pot). and yes, it took that much water for me to get the runoff to even the low sixes (around 6.2?).
so here is the before pic. and hopefully i will have pics in a few days that show some promise. Wish me luck!


Well-Known Member
View attachment 897438 so i flushed one of em with 5 gal of low 7ph water (one gallon pot). and yes, it took that much water for me to get the runoff to even the low sixes (around 6.2?).
so here is the before pic. and hopefully i will have pics in a few days that show some promise. Wish me luck!
Good luck, and if they start looking worse post some new pics and hopefully we can help!

You might also want to add a small amount of CalMag or another Magnesium supplement after you flush them, just to give a little boost to those. If you flushed with tapwater it probably had some in it already, but if not you should add some.


Well-Known Member
yea that definitely could be the problem. My water ph is around 6.5, I checked the soil runoff tho and its in the mid 5 range!
Should i add ph-up to my water, if so before or after i add nutes? I think i remember reading that adjust ph before adding nutes, but i could be mistaken. Any other recomedations are welcome.
I appreciate the help Ant
I just re-read this post, and you definitely want to check your pH AFTER you add all the nutes and suppliments to your water. Most nutes will lower your pH so if you adjust it to 7 or whatever and then add in nutes you might end up with 6 or even lower pH.