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  1. S

    i need help please

    ok thnks for everones help
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    i need help please

    what should i do to get rid of them i mean there is only a few but there always out there
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    i need help please

    thatsthe thing i cant see any i did see like a sml black bug but besides that nothing else....there are almost no leaves on them now like big chunks gone out of it and nothing but the stems left
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    i need help please

    it is the same as my other post but noone wants to answer to that but thats besides the point these fucking bugs are pissing me off the eating the shit ot off my plants looks like cattapillar but dont see any off those there are some wasp any suggestions or any thing would be great?
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    ahhhh bugs

    i have 5 plants growing outside and some fucking bug is eating the leaves away dont see any cattipllars does anyone now what i can do to stop this and does anyone no what kind of bug it could be.....also there is alot of wasp in that area are the bad for them? any thing would help thanks
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    Dont let your gf touch your plants!! PICS!

    i would of smacked that bitch....kicked her out my house and then smashed her cell phone in a million lttle itty bity tiny peices
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    Will flushing my plant rid it of the gnats
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    can i buy that from walmart or home depot.i noticed them a few days ago but just killed the ones i seen didnt realie it but its gotten pretty bad there all around the bottom and my plants leaves are getting really droopy i think there dying.
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    my plants have been taken over by what looks to be gnats an suggestions on how to kill these things would be greatly appreciated
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    brown spots

    i have 3 plants 2 of them are gettig these little brown spots on the leaves im thinkin the lghts ae burning the plant but i only have a 20 watt flourecent and 2 26 watt cfls...i have not been giving them nutes since i replanted them...and i also heard it was bad to mist them under lights tru...
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    well one plant has like these light green spots on it its weird and the catelydon or whater those leaves are called they are fallin off but the ons above that are turning yellow is it ok to cut them off if there yellow kinda like stopping the spread of nething bad
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    i transplanted my plants into bigger pots. ever since then they have started turning colors and the 2nd set of leaves on 2 of the plants are turning yellow and one plant has brown spots on the leaves.the 3rd plant the edges are turning down but besides that looks ok .have not grown much since i...
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    We need 100,000 signatures!

    ya america will not legalize weed cuz the best weed aint made in america.....simple as that...there tryin to sell there own drugs like zoloft and all that weird shit with side affects
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    3 leaves or 5

    ok justmaking sure i think im doing pretty good i have to move back with my mom on nov 23 till nov 30 sucks not sure were im goin to put my plants
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    3 leaves or 5

    wondering my plants only look like there going to have 3 leaves instead of 5 is this ok here are some pics
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    good lights or bad lights

    im on my first grow and have been wondering what would be the best lights for flowering with about a 100 budget if anyone know of any good lights or want to sell any im intrested:blsmoke:
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    light cycle

    thanks my first grow low budget but my plnts look like there doing good at least the people i let see them say that
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    light cycle

    Well i did that because someone said that it would help produce females. and one of the leaves has a spot on it i remember dropping some fert on it by accident will it hurt the plant
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    light cycle

    Is it bad to go from a 24/7 cycle to a 18/6 been on 24/7 bout 2-3 weeks and just put them on 18/6.just wondering?