

Active Member
i transplanted my plants into bigger pots. ever since then they have started turning colors and the 2nd set of leaves on 2 of the plants are turning yellow and one plant has brown spots on the leaves.the 3rd plant the edges are turning down but besides that looks ok .have not grown much since i replanted them any suggestions whats wrong


Well-Known Member
put the plant in a net pot and fill it with hydroton pellets, put that in the lid of a 5 gallon bucket, put an air stone in a 5 gallon bucket, fill with water and close the lid. wait 2 months shop it down and smoke.

ps toss some ferts in there every now and then


Active Member
well one plant has like these light green spots on it its weird and the catelydon or whater those leaves are called they are fallin off but the ons above that are turning yellow is it ok to cut them off if there yellow kinda like stopping the spread of nething bad