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  1. P

    Dissapointed with the potency of my bud

    kill the males asap, or if theres wild bud were u live, bring it indoors b4 flowering so it dosent get pollinated.
  2. P

    aw, what am i doing wrong??

    For the most part your right, in severe casses, but if u only burn it a lil the symptoms will differ a lil based on the fert your using cuz each nutrient toxicity will lock out a different nutrient from the soil.
  3. P

    Need Help With Seedling Growth,

    tap water with new soil has enough minerals in it to nute burn your plants alone, so adding additional nutes would b a Disaster..... if anything, yea put a dome on them and put them as close to the light as comfturble. most people puts there seedling under flouecents and have them inches form...
  4. P

    aw, what am i doing wrong??

    it might be nute burn.... even if u didnt add any theres some in the tap water and i the soil you buy.... cant help it.... BUT... from my experience, the first 2 lil circle leaves die, and the firest set of 3 leaves that never turns into a pot leafe dies too as soon as the first shoot gets big...
  5. P

    Severe Nutrient Burn?

    ok #1. you dont feed the plant the bloom solution till you swich it to blooming. and 2. you only fertilize the plant once a week. where you flush befor you feed to get all the old fert out of the soil. that being said. after a flush you need to add diluted silution to the final flush cuz when...
  6. P

    Here we go again: Male or female? (early preflower)

    those are new leaves.
  7. P

    Does anyone know how to make hash oil with water?

    what if you use boiling water, then simmer the water till it evaperats and u only have oil.
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    be EXTREMLY careful with this. stuff. some brands are way more potent then others.... i got spice gold back when customs didnt know what it was and u could smoke pipes of it and ur str8, it would keep you high for so long, you wild feel it when you wake up and well into the next day..... then i...
  9. P

    Why does lowryder auto flower?

    Why does the lowryder auto flowering plant auto flower?? is it because of where it grows in the world?, or was it a generations of selective breeding? or is it some kind of Genetic Modifications like we are starting to see w/ Corn and Soy? DOES ANYONE KNOW!!!!:wall:
  10. P

    hermaphrodite? (pictures)

    ok. how did you even flower it that early. dont u have to wait for the plant to mature b4 you can flower it? and if its a clone. does it root While its flowering. or do you let it root and then flower.

    ok let me take that back..... 5 days it arrived.... is legit.
  12. P

    How much does the vegetative stage smell?

    Cloneing is ez sauce... tons of youtube tutorials and books on it.... not only will it guarentee sexx but it will take weeks off the growth cycle cuz of germenation, and how big of a clone you make. Cloneing, so ez a cave man could do it ^ - ^
  13. P

    cool cab hydro 1st grow

    im thinking about buying this as well. if there is a male and i need to remove it from the crop is it ez to transport? same typ of question, if i have 2 of them, 1 for vegg and 1 for flowering, can i ez transplant them from 1 MCC to another? or do they get locked into it... cuz it would...
  14. P

    Mini Cool Cab

    im thinking about buying this as well. if there is a male and i need to remove it from the crop is it ez to transport? same typ of question, if i have 2 of them, 1 for vegg and 1 for flowering, can i ez transplant them from 1 MCC to another? or do they get locked into it... cuz it would...

    im trying to deal with this company right now too ( . i wish i read all these posts b4 i orderd. i put my order in on saturday, had to write them 3 times to get a response from them 4 days later, and there like "oh sorry were gona ship them out asap and give u tacking number...