cool cab hydro 1st grow


New Member
:confused: First let me say wow what a wonderful site!!! you guys will prove to be an invaluable tool.

I am a first time grower who has purchased a cool cab from sunlight sheds after doing what limited research i could.

It is a basically fully automated system capable of cloning vegging and flowering it uses a 400w hps / 400w mh interchangable bulbs with a cooling tube. it also has a 14 hole 20 gallon tub with a drip feed system that runs 24/7 an ultrasonic fogger is also implemented for root structure developement, wich by the way OMG AT THE ROOTS when i changed the water between veg/flower i could not believe my eyes! This enormous mass the size of the whole tub came out of the water.
anyway...the system also has a cloning chamber on the top shelf with a flourescent light. it can hold 72 organic plugs and has the humidity dome. also included are two cooling fans and an exhaust fan. also has c02 boost and temp/humidity sensors. oh ya it also has an aerator stone in the tub along with the water pump that feeds the drip heads over hydroton clay pellets inside of 3'' netpots. the stone and pump run 24/7 and of course the light is on a timer. 24hrs during veg and 12/12 during flowering. i bout 20 white widow seeds from buy dutch seeds and had some bag seed as well. as they come in packs of 10 i only planted 10 and 4 of the bag seeds. and stupid me followed the damn directions that came with the system and dropped the babies in the hole and basically proceeded to drown them! so 3 ww and 3 ??? survived and started to grow. as i am interested in maximizing my yield i am constructing a flowering chamber in the room where the cab is and i have already put in a climate control system complete with heating cooling and humidity control. the cool cab can do it all but i want a faster cycle and bigger yield. i know what i want and how to build it, i just have a hang up every now and then...such as- the roots grow together like crazy under the lid of the main reservior and when i transplant them to the ebb and flow setup i am constructing i might have to cut/rip them apart and am unexperienced in this and am worried that the shock will be to great for the plants...or am i worrying needlessly.

oh ya the tub also has an auto fill float sytem with a backup reservior, so it's easy to monitor water levels.
I am sure i'll have more questions later and i will be putting all the pics on here as soon as i figure out how! thanks in advance for all of your guidance


New Member
I posted some pics on the site but i am not familiar with how stuff works here yet!
i have lots more. as soon as i get with it i'll post em'!


New Member
oh ya the whole cab is lined in mylar and is light proof and sound proof....ish and also has an activated carbon / cocoa filter with an inline ozone generator!!! I know right unbelievable.
My nutes are bushmaster, spray-n-grow for sprays...duh, sorry.
General Hydroponics : Flora nova Grow and Bloom
and floralicious vitamin complex and Kool Bloom
and of course the ph up+down with the tester kit!

just a completely comprehensive unit. expensive at ~2500 U.S.


New Member
ok i swear this is the last also has a smoke/heat detector inside and an inline thermal safety switch that shuts the lights down at 105degrees and it works....dont ask

oh and its all lockable with 2


Well-Known Member
Very nice set-up. When I built my wardrobe I modeled it on the Cool Cab. What kinda of temps and humidity does your cab stay at?



Well-Known Member
Hi, I bought a Cool Cab last year (December) and am now on my 2nd grow with it. There's a thread around here somewhere with mods for it.


New Member
the temp and humidity were crazy at first but then i sealed the room and added an a.c.
but at first the thermal safety switch shut me down. i have it in an attatched garage in a room in the back of it with no ceiling and no first and 400 bucks later my humidity stays where i want it. my temps run from 68-84 morning to evening


New Member
you did an amazing job at the cab you built so i guess you clone elsewhere. very nice

my filter/ozone generator burnt up after 2 days of use....wonderful i just routed the vent outdoors through a 3'' dryer duct. not sure if sunlight sheds will replace it and havent called


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I have a separate area for the clones. My humidity is terrible. I'm in veg and after a watering it's around 40%, but drops to 20% by the next watering, I have a mister in there, but I think the humidity just gets sucked right out. It's good for flowering, but not now.

Your temps are perfect.


New Member
Well Stupid Me...i Was Wrong On The Sex And Now Have 1 Ww Girl And 1 ??? Girl But Both Are Doing Awesome And Their Clones Are Great So I'll Be Able To Make The Second Grow With 4 Ww And 2 ???? And The Grow Following Will Be A Full Load Of 14 Ww!!!


Well-Known Member
gj man, coolcabs are pretty legit. im also building a copycat model, so far spent just over a grand on it and still looking for a damn metal filing cabinet to continue construction. Seriously, we need some pics of the back to see how the air goes in/out. I hope that your ladies taste nice n fruitty *lol* P.S. How did you get ww seeds shipped to you? or does 'elroy' give a shit about that in FL?


New Member
a link from high times magazine and florida aint too friendly but they were very discreet much so i thought they "got me" until i finally found the darn things...i'll try the url's for the pics



Well-Known Member
hellyea good lookin out brother, those pics will help out alot dude. I still kinda sketched out about order seeds online tho, that patriot act is a real fuckinbitch. Just one more thing, where in the intake/exhaust is your carbon filter located? again, thanks for those pics!


New Member
i took it off so you could get a better's a friction fitting but where you see that big 3" opening in the top right..ish it goes there and the ozone generator is in the bottom of the carbon about overkill you cant smell a fart in that damn room


im thinking about buying this as well.

if there is a male and i need to remove it from the crop is it ez to transport?

same typ of question, if i have 2 of them, 1 for vegg and 1 for flowering, can i ez transplant them from 1 MCC to another? or do they get locked into it...

cuz it would suck after 3 weeks of vegg and half are males gettn stuck with half the crops....