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  1. J

    All hairs, no buds

    Using a 400 watt hps.... So what your telling me is this plant is basically ruined? Can't fix it in any way??? I had another plant that was left the exact same amount of time in the dark and it was a little shocked but now growing very dense buds and managed to fix itself...
  2. J

    All hairs, no buds

    What's going wrong here? I did have to leave the plants in all dark for 4 days over the Xmas break but I thought they would've bounced back by now... I have never seen this while growing before....what do I do????
  3. J

    Curing and no funky skunky smell

    It just smells sort of blah... I'm making sure there isn't too much humidity or light and am giving it breathing breaks. Has anyone ever tried adding a piece of dried fruit or something to give the smoke an extra 'kick'? Or how do you obtain that ultimate piny or fruity taste and smell?? It...
  4. J

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    All of my leavews have started to curl up, turn brown, and die. Its around 15 weeks into flowering. Can I cut it down yet?? Only like 50% of the hairs look red. Very sticky and crystaly though.
  5. J

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    All of the larger leaves have begun curling up turning brown and dying. its about 13 weeks into flowering. Can I cut down or is it too soon? Only like 50% of the hairs are red...
  6. J

    Fat nugs, Yellow leaves

    I finally got a camera out to show ya'll what was going wrong. is it time to chop this thing down or what??
  7. J

    Fat nugs, Yellow leaves

    also.. almost all of the trichomes are milky white.
  8. J

    Fat nugs, Yellow leaves

    I really need help now guys! Almost 75% of all of the leaves have turned completely brown, dried up, and have fallen off. I dont want this to happen to my buds as they are still green, purple and ripe. Still waiting on more hairs to turn red.... about 50% are... is this strain ever going to be...
  9. J

    Fat nugs, Yellow leaves

    So I'm week 13 into flowering and I have some large, juicy, icey looking buds. Very beautiful, but 3/4 of the hairs have not turned red yet. My problem is, all of my fan leaves are curling up, turning yellow and brown, and dying. I don't want it to end up effecting my buds. Ive been trimming...
  10. J

    4 weeks into flowering, room too small??

    I'm just using a small storage closet approximately 4x4x10. My babies are flurishing and keep multiplying in size every day...My plants are starting to get cramped and overlapping eachother and I was just wondering if this will effect my yeild, if I should just wait to see what happens, or if I...
  11. J

    how long will it take to start flowering?

    Ive switched them to striclty a 12-12 cycle for over a week now and I'm starting to see very few pistols forming, but no buds yet. what am I doing wrong? It just keeps growing taller and making more branches. I need it to hurry up and bud already!
  12. J

    changing to 12-12 cycle

    so switch back to the hps??
  13. J

    changing to 12-12 cycle

    Ive been using a 400 watt hps bulb, but I also purchased a 400 watt metal halide conversion bulb. Should I use the conversion bulb to help promote flowering or just stick with the hps? How long will it take to being flowering? Ive only been on the 12-12 cycle for 4 days now and haven't seen much...
  14. J

    I think I found a male

    My plants are about a month old and a foot and a half tall or so... I think I found what appears to be a male. It has small little 'balls' or podule type pods next to the base of the larger leaves popping out.... so I threw him on the porch away from all the others that look like nice females. I...
  15. J

    Fan Leaves Curling up

    I have four plants under a 400 watt hps bulb. They are all about the same size, so I would think if it was due to being burnt by the light, that is not the case. No yellowing of leaves, no discoloration, no diseases that I can tell... the leaves just seem to not flatten out. They are curled up...
  16. J

    HELP!!! Emergency situation

    I've got my plants on 18 hrs- off 6 hrs at the moment and for the next two days my apartment is doing sprinkler and fire inspections in all units. I cannot keep my room how it is due to there are spinkler system units inside my grow room and I can't keep the door bolt locked. What would you do...
  17. J

    Best nutrients/fertilizers and blooming agents

    What would one recommend as far as liquid fertilizers? Any websites, links, suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  18. J

    Best set up for $500.00

    What would you recommend? Advice? Help! I don't need usucsessful grows... I want it to work this time.... 3rd times a charm right? I have just a basic set-up in my room right now. They're about 6 inch. tall and a week old. 4x8 spacing area.. no 'grow room' or 'grow tent' type of thing. Just a...
  19. J

    1000 watts Work Light

    I have four plants that are all about 6 inch right now. Bubblegum strands. I've got 2, 40 watts on them right now. I'm using my closet that is around 4x8. Trying to just yeild an ounce or two for personal use. Ive got a light stand, and just your standard shop light hanging over them.
  20. J

    1000 watts Work Light

    so where do you suggest on finding an appropriate light under $100?