All hairs, no buds


What's going wrong here? I did have to leave the plants in all dark for 4 days over the Xmas break but I thought they would've bounced back by now... I have never seen this while growing before....what do I do????


Well-Known Member
You're wondering what's wrong when you left them in the dark for near a week?... No light = no photosynthesis. No photosynthesis = no growth.


Using a 400 watt hps.... So what your telling me is this plant is basically ruined? Can't fix it in any way??? I had another plant that was left the exact same amount of time in the dark and it was a little shocked but now growing very dense buds and managed to fix itself...


Well-Known Member
sounds like a stringy sativa that wants to live forever. go back to indicas. dont put dense indica buds or any for that matter in long dark periods, it encourages mold.


Well-Known Member
^I disagree about any bud for that matter comment. It does for sure increase trich production. Do it only at the end before harvest though