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  1. deekay

    Help help help! Flowering for nearly 10 weeks and no buds! Pls help

    normally about 2 weeks after you change the lights to 12/12 you should be seeing white hairs forming on all the heads or tips. 10 weeks it should have been finished by now easily. how big is the pot the plant is in? and how far away is the light from the top of the plant? try get your camera...
  2. deekay

    hermie?? nooooooooooooo

    Nah man i had the hermie and a female. i accidently said male. it went hermie also because of the first one. so i endud with with two hermies in the end that were killed haha.
  3. deekay

    hermie?? nooooooooooooo

    ohh bruzz im sorry to tell you that you're right, it's a hermie:( when i got mine i thought bugger it ill try picking all the balls of everyday but it was real time consuming and pointless. it ended up turning my other plant male and that ended my grow. pretty much your left with nothing but to...
  4. deekay

    my first attempt - 2010 outdoor grow!!! @@@

    awsome:) i wish it was hydro! then we'd only have to wait 2 and a bit months for it to be done hahah. owell it should be great anyway man. Im 2 weeks into flower at the moment with my ocean pearl, shes starting to get frosty little tips im loving it:)
  5. deekay

    Ssshhhhh!!! Smokey's not supposed to be growing..

    this is a great grow i cant wait to see the finish product! ive never heard of afgoo before, but from these early pics im taking it as a potent strain:) i wasnt to sure about what you said on the seeds in the freezer? in a round about way could you explain this pleasee? looking good so far man...
  6. deekay

    5ft Tall plant possible???

    thats a pretty hairy situation to be growing in brother. thats a bloody great point from RippedVanWinkle77!! i dont think id like to lose everything ive worked for just because of a sweet little mary jane plant:( its up to you if you do or dont but just remember man the school isnt going to...
  7. deekay

    my first attempt - 2010 outdoor grow!!! @@@

    thats a shit load of kootah plants for a first grow man!!! ive seen pictures of sharksbreath and have nearly made a mess hahaha. great selection mate:)
  8. deekay

    Ocean pearl grow 2010 underway :D

    hahahah group photo with my mates plant near 2 weeks into flower. exactly the same as mine just a bit taller. his plant was the left one of the two clones we started with. .
  9. deekay

    Ocean pearl grow 2010 underway :D

    on the 16th i woke to find my girl looking really good. its just over a month now and the growth rate is going good from my eyes. its now been in flower for 6 days from this photo, the tips are starting to come back again so its good:)
  10. deekay

    Ocean pearl grow 2010 underway :D

    some comments would be nice:) these are the clones two weeks later. there all healthy as but just no roots yet:(
  11. deekay

    Ocean pearl grow 2010 underway :D

    5 days later you can see some good change starting to happen:)
  12. deekay

    Ocean pearl grow 2010 underway :D

    we decided it was time to take some clones from the mothers. i only took 3 from mine as its the first ive done it so i didnt wanna go cutting and snipping left right and centre if the wernt going to work!
  13. deekay

    Ocean pearl grow 2010 underway :D

    around four weeks later the progress seems to be good in my eyes im loving it:) what do you guys reckon about it?
  14. deekay

    Ocean pearl grow 2010 underway :D

    11 days later they were a bit christmas tree looking but i was happy:)
  15. deekay

    Ocean pearl grow 2010 underway :D

    Hey guys. ive finally got a plant worth growing now:D my mate chucked me a lovely clone of ocean pearl and am i happy or what!! ive seen the finish product of this strain under a 600 watt hps and im hoping for around the same with my 400 watt:) i put the clones in veg on the first of april...
  16. deekay

    First HYDRO harvest

    good work man a few nice buds there! cant wait for my ocean pearl to start budding:D where did you pick up that scorpion bic lighter?