Search results

  1. delacruz

    CBD for pets

    My ridgeback is getting older and started having cluster seizures a year ago. They always happened when she was sleeping. She would have 5 big seizures in a 24 hour period and then nothing for about a month and then the same thing the next month. I went to the vet and they prescribed some...
  2. delacruz

    Disappointed in the size of my root ball

    If you're using fabric pots again this time around you might try changing one out for a similarly sized plastic pot and see if there is a noticeable difference in growth. Might be an easy test without putting all your eggs in one basket.
  3. delacruz

    Mars Hydro 2020 XMS&NEW Year Giveaway starts now

    Looking for a new light for my breeding program 2930.
  4. delacruz

    Organic Dry Amendments (Europe)

    I get some of mine from kelp4less. Lots of dry amendments at okay prices and mostly free shipping. Their web site has quite a few short videos on most of the products they offer that cover mixing and recommended best practices.
  5. delacruz

    Jack's 3-2-1 question

    I've used Jacks 321 for a couple of years. Great results, economical, and simple.
  6. delacruz

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    Hey Bricktown, I'm trying to wire a remote humistat to my quest dual 105 dehumidifier. Thr remote I'm using is a trolmaster hs-1 and hsc-1. Most quest dehumidifiers seem to have an external 24v bus on the outside of the unit near the controls. These are compatible and easily connected to the...
  7. delacruz

    Will You Take The Vaccine?

  8. delacruz


    I've grown 72 plants in 1.2 gallon pots in a 4x4 area. Got a good yield but they tended to get taller than expected and are a real pain to water. I've switched over to 3 gallon fabric pots, sixteen for the same area and top them a couple of times. They stay shorter and yield is about the same...
  9. delacruz

    Are we on the verge of a civil war?

    I believe conditions would have to be intolerable for people to want to make the sacrifices necessary for a civil war. I don't see a lot of true patriots out there, but I do see a lot of anger combined with a lack of tolerance and a seeming inability for critical thinking, ie.. we've dumbed...
  10. delacruz

    Phing question

    I have a well and get my water tested every few years. One of the tests of course is for a ph value which shows my water to be alkaline. Another number on the test is for alkalinity which unbeknownst to me was what it takes to return my water to neutral and keep it there. I have a high...
  11. delacruz

    Herman Cain dies from covid-19

    That's one creepy campaign ad/video
  12. delacruz

    LF Vertical Resevoir for Water

    This one is a quarter inch wider than your max diameter but i've seen others a bit smaller...
  13. delacruz

    Watering wand / pump combo

    there are quite a few pumps out there with built in pressure switches. I use a shurflo diaphragm pump. It automatically cycles off whenever you stop the flow out the hose and resumes when you trigger it on. Here's a link so you can see it...
  14. delacruz

    Thoughts on Christians smoking cannabis (Christian thread)

    I've always followed christian principles, but really, those principles are similar to most other religions. Help others when you can, honesty, integrity and kindness. To me, religion and spirituality are completely different concepts. Spirituality is a personal thing. Religion is spirituality...
  15. delacruz

    Extraction methods. Need help and explanations.

    I use everclear. It comes in two proofs. I use the stronger 98%. I watched tslonige's video. A friend of mine uses that method with great success. Simple, with minimal effort and the benefit of reclaiming a large percentage of your alcohol for future use is a plus. Once you have the oil you can...
  16. delacruz

    To Remo Or Not To Remo

    I mix Jacks in separate solo cups, lukewarm water, and then add it to my water bucket. The calcium and epsom salts dissolve fairly quickly but the 5-12-26 takes more time. I start about 10 minutes before watering and walk by every couple of minutes with a chopstick and stir it up. I also add...
  17. delacruz

    To Remo Or Not To Remo

    My two cents worth is to stay with powders. I use Jacks 321 formula but whichever powders you use will be effective and a heck of a lot more economical than the premixed liquids. I also experiment a little with no till growing but for now it's more of a science project/labor of love.
  18. delacruz

    Sad droopy plants what gives?

    I agree with the drain holes. When I start in solo cups I take a victorknox knife and put four big holes in the bottom and four in the bottom of the sides. water drains right out and it needs watering more often but that's not a big deal and way better than having a water buildup at the bottom...
  19. delacruz

    god told me to skin you alive

    Divide and conquer. While this impeachment circus has been going on, both sides reauthorized the patriot act, ensuring the continuing evisceration of our civil liberties. Our federal government seems to be dumbing down at a much faster rate than the rest of us.