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  1. W

    Journal day 1-55 in one short post

    feel free to post in my journal...thanks
  2. W

    Journal day 1-55 in one short post

    4x8 hydrohut silver THIS IS IN ONE HALF OF TENT, OTHER IS EMPTY 1 1000w hps hanging above in one side of tent. foxfarm soil in 2 gal buckets, minimal GH bloom nutes added fans, filters etc. 12/12 light cycle on 8-1 thru today. major fungus gnat infestation, some very minor PM...but no other...
  3. W

    Need advice on nutes, on a tight budget

    Spent a lot more than planned, and need to veg these babies for a couple weeks before forcing flower. Current settup is 13 master kush clones about 6 inch tall well rooted in cubes, inside of 6in square pots, some with hydroton and some in STG hail, the new inert white fluffy medium. In a...
  4. W

    Psychoactive toads

    yes its very true and about as good an idea as strapping a car battery to your junk to get a rush. some toads have psychoactive chemicals in their skins, problem is this, how on this earth do you have any idea what kind of a doseage your are taking?????? kind of like robbing a bank, it MIGHT...
  5. W

    So I decided to stop fuckin around...

    Are some of you dissapointed that Fatman doesnt want to be your buddy, hang out, smoke a doobie and talk about some girls sweater puppets? I am not. The guy knows his stuff better than 99% of people that post on a forum, myself included. He is sharing knowledge and expierence that you really...
  6. W

    Alternative Media i consider it to be the best. packing peanuts breakup and would cause clogs, marbles wouldnt give much of a surface for the roots to hang on to. check out suretogrow.