Psychoactive toads

yes its very true and about as good an idea as strapping a car battery to your junk to get a rush.

some toads have psychoactive chemicals in their skins, problem is this, how on this earth do you have any idea what kind of a doseage your are taking?????? kind of like robbing a bank, it MIGHT work out well.

The Potologist

Active Member
Its actually ILLEGAL in most state of the USA and ALL OF CANADA. It is really a wastefull law. Spending hard earned tax paying dollars to create laws that prohibit people from licking toads/frogs. But I guess thats what ya get when ya put poloticians in power. Stupid is as Stupid does still holding water really well.


Active Member
I was watching 1000 ways to die on spike the other day, and it showed these two guys, who went into the dessert to trip on psychoactive frogs, and ended up licking the wrong species. Now the poison on the frogs they licked cause them to tripping and see shit, but it also was deadly, so they tripped balls and then died. hopefully it was an awsome trip, wouldnt wanna go through the death experience trippin though


Well-Known Member
kids these days. going around licking toads.. to try and get high. *sigh*... that's whats wrong with the world.. its the new generations.

next thing, before you realize it.. we'll be seeing questions like this "Can you order marijuana through a mail order system?"

Ignorance.. :|

If you want a trip... go find yourself someone that knows where to get some acid. Not battery acid kiddies... k? It's called Acid.. and sometimes it comes on blotter paper.. or sometimes if your lucky enough you may be able to find a vial (bottle) of liquid acid. The ones I've gotten in the past.. were in Visine bottles. But again, don't go around licking frogs asses because you want to "trip". Like I said, if you want a REAL trip!?! Go out and find yourself a few hits of acid. You'll be better off doing that.. ;)

I hope I saved one kid.. from doing ignorant actions like licking frogs.. if I did.. then I have accomplished my job!



but u actually can order pot from the web. theres a few vendors. just not a smart thing 2 do.

REAL TRIP? nothing is more real of a trip than 5-meo-DMT.