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  1. Hydrohermit

    How long for first signs?...

    best method to do its success rate is magnificent if you do it right.
  2. Hydrohermit

    Flushing??? what are your thoughts?

    That is ridiculous plain out i would slap the hell out of somone who wrote that article... i mean sure you can stop flushing your plants(system) and enjoy the nice taste of nutrients when you smoke your buds. i dont know about you but i love the fresh taste of pure cannabis when it is grown...
  3. Hydrohermit

    How long for first signs?...

    Wow bro i no this is newbie central but wow. ok first thing always have distilled water for your seeds take a needle and scratch the outside of the seed that will help the seed germ. than stick it in distilled water and place it in the dark over night. in the morning you should instantly see...
  4. Hydrohermit

    i need some growing advice

    If i where you i would just kick it up to a 1000 w hps light but thats just me lol im looking for best results. while in veg if your leafs start to wilt look at the colors if its tan looking more crisp raise your light or vent more air cause obviously to much heat is accumulating. second if your...
  5. Hydrohermit

    2nd grow just need reasurance. PICS

    Yeah bro have no worries, they could have had more time in veg but as they are is fine. you should have a pretty good harvest. and as for the kush thing im not to sure but i know that what you have is definitely a hybrid I'm seeing both characteristics for harvest time if your not to sure you...
  6. Hydrohermit

    When should i expect them to stop growingdo plants stop growing and/or grow the most?

    The best thing you can do is keep that humidity level up make sure there is some sort of airflow. if you have a mother plant aswell i can tell you a good little trick for cloning. Take a tupperware like this than cut slits on the top cover...
  7. Hydrohermit

    super lemon haze 6th week flowering upper leave edgers turning purplish...PICS

    lamofbodom nice grow man il have to update you on a slh grow going on around somwhere got a pheno champion for sure.
  8. Hydrohermit

    Hydro to soil

    It causes stress on the plant and can cause them to go into shock. the best thing you can do is keep it moist and warm. humidity should kick them up
  9. Hydrohermit

    who wants to hook me up with some seeds

    Would certainly be interesting to find out what one of my strains will look like shes about 4 weeks into veg shes my mother and i do say she is beautiful i will have to send a pic later on. WesmkDro this is definitely best forum ever any growers or new growers can check my few posts i recently...
  10. Hydrohermit

    who wants to hook me up with some seeds

    Merk i may be able to check into when il be getting some super lemon haze seeds but atm im a little busy so il be getting on later just pm me or some shit.
  11. Hydrohermit

    got strange marks on some leaves help please

    Your plant is showing signs of magnesium deficiancy if im wrong it also could be your plants need misting more often, my clones are kept constantly humid and my fan keeps them strong i suggest ordering a product called anti wilt. it should do the trick. up your misting for sure though they look...
  12. Hydrohermit

    Hydro to soil

    Well this is common friend don't freak out either simply get a product called anti-wilt concentrate mix the solution and give your leaves a good misting. make sure you keep them very humid while there recovering from shock. another thing to check would be your soil make sure your soil is airy...
  13. Hydrohermit

    When should i expect them to stop growingdo plants stop growing and/or grow the most?

    12 is suffciant but 11 1/2 should be fine as long as your not introducing light to your plants while there in the dark stag of there day. if you got any questions on your plants you can link me to some pics if there good enough i can tell you anything you need help with.
  14. Hydrohermit

    flowering in canada?

    If you read my upper post my solution answers your dry question. poke a few small needle holes in a gallon jug do two of those should drip for a while i think it will last about 1 week for 1 gallon so get yourself a nice container and you wont have any issues
  15. Hydrohermit

    flowering in canada?

    im not exactly sure when you should start it in Canada what i suggest you should get on google and look up Canada photoperiods and see when the photo periods switch to flowering. for an outdoor strain i would recomend 8-9-1/2 weeks for veg than the same for flowering. as for you leaving them i...
  16. Hydrohermit

    When should i expect them to stop growingdo plants stop growing and/or grow the most?

    well with what i know your plants should dramatically increase during your 4th week into flowering. though an issue might be that you had them in veg to long. Another thing that could be causing any issues with growth could be somthing your doing wrong. go over a checklist. do you have your...
  17. Hydrohermit

    super lemon haze 6th week flowering upper leave edgers turning purplish...PICS

    I also wanted to point out that you should definatley go with a S.O.G next time. people dont realise the math giving for the plant wich was also givin from franco of greenhouse seeds. the math is meant strictly for S.O.G or sea of green. i suggest getting a few mothers and taking clones and...
  18. Hydrohermit

    super lemon haze 6th week flowering upper leave edgers turning purplish...PICS

    Nice ladies bro, make sure you remember to flush your system 2 weeks prior to harvest with soft water, this will insure that your smoke will be crisp and strong not effected by the nutrients. also if you do not know turning out the lights for the last day before harvest will cause the plant to...