When should i expect them to stop growingdo plants stop growing and/or grow the most?


Well-Known Member
During flowering i was wondering when the plants grew the most? i heard expect them to triple in height. I was just wondaring when you should start noticing them taking off in height and when to stop growing taller. I am gonna be onn day 1 of week 4 tomorrow and was just wondaring how much of a change should i be expecting.


Active Member
If you are in week four they will most likely to stop growing in height now and will start to fill out in density. They put on most of their weight during the last two weeks of flowering..imo


Well-Known Member
thankis but doesnt really seem like they have grown that much since flipping the lights.. most certainly not 3 times the height. I was hoping they would start shooting up nice and tall.


Active Member
My plants were 40" tall and 3 months old when I switched to flower.. it is now the 6th week of flower and they are only 48" tall. Far from triple and even double like what people say. I think it has more to do with how early in the plants life you hit flower cause I vegged the shit outta mine maybe they were maxed when they hit flower.. veg for a month or less and maybe there woulda been more stretch who knows


Well-Known Member
i dont know who knows but thats what im trying to figure out.. basically i just want to know in which weeks of flower does the most growth occur?? thanks for the reply unclepauly and beachgreens


Well-Known Member
you should come join my first time flowering thread, alot of info tips. I am day 14 of flowering and mine have shot up quite a bit but not like what people say. I have noticed some stretching and alot of side growth/bushiness, it may be my strain too. I am planning on some more vigorous stretching and growth for about another 10-14 days then they should slow height wise and the flowers should fill. Heres my link https://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/328395-first-time-growers-just-started.html


Well-Known Member
By day 1 of week 4 you mean since they showed sex and actually started flowering or when you flipped to 12/12? were they mature before you induced flowering? The growth spurt will slow down after a big explosion when you start the flowering stretch phase and then the last few weeks of flower is when the buds gain most of their mass.


well with what i know your plants should dramatically increase during your 4th week into flowering. though an issue might be that you had them in veg to long. Another thing that could be causing any issues with growth could be somthing your doing wrong. go over a checklist. do you have your light turned on full 12 hours and when you have your light off 12 hours are your plants in complete darkness. if you expose any light to the plants during the 12 hours of darkness it can cause your plants to turn into hemaphrodites wich obviously is not to good. i also suggest checking your reservore i would check the ppm and ph daily. the system i have is so sufficiant it keeps it's ph constant and ppm aswell. if you have not had it already do yourself a favour and get yourself a reptile light helps thc production.(make sure the u.v is correct spectrum) also first thing before anything if you dont got beneficial bacteria, i suggest starting a colony in your res. you will instantly see a change. anymore questions feel free to ask. i know quite alot more than normal people when it comes to this. i can tell you pleanty of tricks to make your crop the best.



Well-Known Member
how important is it for them to have a full 12hours oflight? what if its like 11and a half because i think thats how i have it.


12 is suffciant but 11 1/2 should be fine as long as your not introducing light to your plants while there in the dark stag of there day. if you got any questions on your plants you can link me to some pics if there good enough i can tell you anything you need help with.


The best thing you can do is keep that humidity level up make sure there is some sort of airflow. if you have a mother plant aswell i can tell you a good little trick for cloning. Take a tupperware like this http://www.tiresias.org/images/clasp_tupperware_1.jpg than cut slits on the top cover take a small air pump should cost 10$ any pet store. small air stone and let your clones sit in that with the constant bubbles, little rooting hormone wont hurt first. you will see the most insane roots if you do it right.