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  1. southernstyle

    How many seeds from a male?

    You mean there is no santa?
  2. southernstyle

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    The strain is blueberry if that helps. I started with molasses about 2 weeks ago
  3. southernstyle

    How many seeds from a male?

    forgot to add this, but if a female were pollinated about how many seeds do they produce? a ballpark guess?
  4. southernstyle

    How many seeds from a male?

    thanks everyone. I've always just used fem'd seeds and never an unknown before so thats good to know
  5. southernstyle

    How many seeds from a male?

    I've got an unknown bagseed grow going with just one plant and it's too early to tell the sex. My question is, and I'm not sure if even goes in here, about how many seeds can you get off of a male. Would it be worth it to let it go all the way if it happens to be a male and try and germinate...
  6. southernstyle

    Whats Wrong With My Plants!?

    I gotta agree with satire on this one. Its really hard to be successful when you dont have the right ingredients. A good soil mix is a must. A cheap way to have a high quality soil is to do it yourself. There are a ton of good soil mix recipes on here and online if you just do a google...
  7. southernstyle

    Indoor Bagseed Grow

    yeah I was thinking the same thing about it being indica dominant. I'm crossing my fingers hoping for a girl!
  8. southernstyle

    Indoor Bagseed Grow

    Here is the most up to date pics. I just put a bunch in a row because I had already taken them and wanted this to be as current as possible. The plant is looking great and growing like crazy which is definitely a good thing in my book. I'm sure it will really take off here in a week or so when...
  9. southernstyle

    Indoor Bagseed Grow

  10. southernstyle

    Indoor Bagseed Grow

  11. southernstyle

    Indoor Bagseed Grow

    Seeds sprouted on 8-25-10, here they are on 8-31-10.
  12. southernstyle

    Indoor Bagseed Grow

    Hey everyone. I'm new to roll it up but this isnt my first grow. Here's what I have going on this one. Genetics unknown, I have no idea what this came from I just randomly found this seed on my desk. Soil is foxfarm ocean forest. Lighting right now is two 6500k cfl's. It will soon be...
  13. southernstyle

    Whats Wrong With My Plants!?

    A good indicator of temp is if you can hold your hand where your plants are without it started to get hot or burning. Also you might want to check your pH. A good organic fert for the veg stage is blood meal, lots of nitrogen and you wont get a buildup of salts like you would with the MG. I...
  14. southernstyle

    I frekin hate fem seeds

    I have gotten both and it honestly makes no difference to me because either way I end up better than I was before. If you get a male then you can get more seeds off of it and then there's a 50/50 chance that any seed coming off of that is a female. Either way should be beneficial. No one...
  15. southernstyle

    I frekin hate fem seeds

    I just did the poll and started laughing because almost everyone voted "you're a retard shut up" hahaha. If this guy wants to express his hate for fem'd seeds maybe I should start a thread expressing my hate for people who don't take the time to type out whole words. When you type like that...
  16. southernstyle

    My plant is going crazy. Seriously Need Help! (pics/Vid)

    Have you checked your pH lately? Also MH is not a very good light for flowering being that the light output from them is mostly in the blue spectrum (good for vegging no so much for flowering). you might want to supplement the light with some 2700k CFL's to help out in the red spectrum. How...
  17. southernstyle

    using 5-1-1 fish immulsion until sexing.

    That should would just fine. Anything with a good amount of Nitrogen is great during the vegetative stage. I use blood meal 12-0-0. I've heard great things about fish immulsion, worm castings, bat guano, and sea kelp as well.
  18. southernstyle

    reflector. low budget grow

    You can go to walmart or any sporting goods store and go the camping section and get a couple of those emergency blankets, they are very reflective, easy to cut, and only a couple of bucks.
  19. southernstyle

    Looking for a PH tester

    All of the above. Cheap and easy to find