Indoor Bagseed Grow

Hey everyone. I'm new to roll it up but this isnt my first grow. Here's what I have going on this one. Genetics unknown, I have no idea what this came from I just randomly found this seed on my desk. Soil is foxfarm ocean forest. Lighting right now is two 6500k cfl's. It will soon be moving under the 150w 6500k CFL grow light that I have from a previous grow. I will hopefully be adding a healthy afgooi seed to the light soon as I have just come across one in a bag I got today.

First three pics are two days from taproot showing itself in the paper towels.
Here is the most up to date pics. I just put a bunch in a row because I had already taken them and wanted this to be as current as possible. The plant is looking great and growing like crazy which is definitely a good thing in my book. I'm sure it will really take off here in a week or so when it gets moved under the big light in a room with reflective walls.
