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  1. P

    Stoner crazy crazy idea!!!!

    Loads of money is spent on trying to stop growers, I doubt that would change if they legalized it, due to the black market competing with the government prices. Cannabis is the number 1 cash crop in the world and to much money is being wasted or not made by not legalizing it and if it was made...
  2. P

    Out of control temps! help!

    Heat rises so cut a hole at the very top the your closet and have a fan sucking the air out. Then make a hole at the bottom of your closet and see how that goes. If it's still to hot, put a fan on the bottom hole and force air in.
  3. P

    This is my last attempt. Please, please somebody diagnose this shit.

    Simple problem, change your light times to 16 to 18 hrs on and 6 to 8 hours off. To much light will fry those leaves, spray the leaves before turning off the light. Job done.
  4. P

    How cool are these?!?!

    They will be huge mate OMG!!!, I'd force them to flower now if I was you lol. I've read somewhere that in india, they grow 5 meters tall ha imagine that.
  5. P

    UK window sill grow - absolute newb

    I find growning inside without air blowing on the plant, the stem is always really thin and the plant tries to get out, so will be tall and spindly. Have a fan blowing on it to strenthen the stem and make sure it's a south facing window. Grow your plant to 12" and force it to bud by making it...
  6. P

    To flower or not to flower that is the question

    You should bud it at 12" to 22".
  7. P

    When to harvest

    I wouldn't scare the plant if I was you, this stage is vital to the growth of your buds. As a last ditch attempt to seed, your plant will draw all the goodness out of the plant and the buds will double in size. If you force the plant to finish, what would be 2 oz will only be 1 oz. Just carry...
  8. P

    purple strain pic...

    Yeap that looks like the purple kush I have. I also germinated it, so I can be the only person with purple kush seeds.
  9. P

    6.4 Weeks into flower and im sure this yellowing is not normal

    Many people choose to trim the fan leaves to free up more room for buds to grow, that is a mistake. In the final stages of budding, the plant will draw all the goodness out of the leaves in a final attempt to seed. It's around this time many people cut their crop, because they think it's...
  10. P

    purple kush

    I love purple kush, it's the first plant I've ever grown. It turned out to be a shemale and seeded itself hehe, I still have loads of seeds. The bud really is purple.