Out of control temps! help!


Well-Known Member

This is my grow journal. At the moment I am having trouble with my temps. They are too high. It is usually 85 degrees F. During the hottest parts of the day i struggle to keep it 86 or 87.

Someone suggest cutting a hole in my cieling and exhasting there. Others said I should run a duct to the AC vent across the length of the outter room and into the closet as an intake.

I don't know what to do. Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Im already using a squirrel cage fan. Is this more powerful then a SC fan? Do you exhaust into the outter room or into attic?


Well-Known Member
600wSealed box (4x4x6high), How big is urs? i exhaust outside w a passive intake. How many cfm is urs rated at? Supposedly the manufacturer says this is rated at 1280cfm low, 1746 med, and 2100cfm high (dont know if these are real cfms or some variation but its what the site said). Seems to push a lot of air keeps my temps pretty good


Well-Known Member
yea idk its preference to you. Either upgrade the intake (ac would work of u could get a good inflow of cold there). Or bump up the exhaust (this blower out the attic would work good). I hear its easier/more effective to push out and exhaust air then it is to intake. Simple fix though either increase the cold air coming in or increase the rate at which the hot airs leaves. Some small oscilators will help too, keep in mind mj grows in some hot climates, but these climates have good circulation which is key to detouring around high temps


Well-Known Member
agree... i have gone through grows at 85 and no issues...anything more than that you will have res issues first. the top of the plant can handle heat thru transpiration.


Well-Known Member
even 95 is fine for your plants as long as you keep that res cool yo....take a look at getting a chiller homie


Active Member
Chiller doesn't seem the way to go as he is growing in his closet. Even the 1/4 hp chillers we carry are around 700 bucks. For that, he could get a Darkroom, and proper exhaust, and intake. HPS lamps are notorious for heat issues. Move around your exhaust and intake and control the airflow in that room if possible. My system pulls cool air through a vent on the bottom and pulls it up through my plants and out my hood. If you can duct a fan through your hood, do that! 60% of the heat will be extracted that way.


Heat rises so cut a hole at the very top the your closet and have a fan sucking the air out. Then make a hole at the bottom of your closet and see how that goes. If it's still to hot, put a fan on the bottom hole and force air in.


Well-Known Member
I can't afford a chiller. would cutting a hole in my ceiling to exhaust into there instead of my outter room be the answer?


Well-Known Member
very much could be. the way i did mine was just make an attic access in the closet...trim it out as usual and use a extra piece of drywall to cut your holes in...run venting through that...when you wanna cover it up just drop a new piece of drywall in the hole and its like it never happened. hopefully you can drop the temps enough with just that...fingers crossed bro


Active Member
and if you can man, make it to where your lights are on at night. thats what im going to be doing tomorrow because the summer heat is kicking my plants asses