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  1. I

    Male or female

    here is a pic from the top of one of em
  2. I

    Male or female

    they finally started showing sex today.i see tiny white hairs poking out on the nodes. i dont see bumps on the stem but im going to give it a week to develop a little more so I can tell 100 percent .if I happen to have a male next to the female how long do I have before it damages the goods?I...
  3. I

    pre-flowering problems

    i wish mine would preflower
  4. I

    Early Flowering

    what about pre flowering when should they do that outdoors
  5. I

    Male or female

    do you think I should try to change the light to try to force it to flower ?
  6. I

    please help

    first time growing period growing outside problem is donno what sex plant is it will not preflower i think maybe its my inexperience i donno but i could use a veterans thoughts .this plant is definitely over 2 months old.i havnt changed the light cycle it gets whatever is outside since late...
  7. I

    Male or female

    i have had this plant for at least 2 months it wont pre flower and its huge .my camera sucks so the pic is shitty can anyone help me.I dont know what strain all i know is i feed it once a week with fox farm product bat guano and plant is growing well and has many tops just no pollin...
  8. I

    not sure how old plant is

    im not sure it wont preflower yet so I guess its not 2 months
  9. I

    a couple of pics of a friends grow,

    nice bro good luck
  10. I

    when will they show there sex

    should I try to change the light schedule to find out before the summer solstice or just wait The plant is already about 2 and 1/2 feet tall .shouldnt it have showed me by now what sex it is?I dont know what strain nor the age it was given to me.I just grew it and now I want to clone it and I...
  11. I

    How does it look

    first time growing outdoors almost ready to preflower I use marine cusiene from fox farm,indonesian bat guano and alaska fish emulsion.What do you think of my plant any suggestions
  12. I

    Need advice! To top or not to top?

    hey man also look up pinching .
  13. I

    Need advice! To top or not to top?

    your welcome check mine out
  14. I

    when will they show there sex

    any answers
  15. I

    when will they show there sex

    hey whats up first time growing have some progress however this plant in particular was given to me and I dont know how old it is I got it in may should this plant start to show me what sex it is at the end of june? and I also just switched to using mariene cusiene from fox farm >indonesian bat...
  16. I

    Help my plants are getting too tall.

    look up low stress training that should help them get bush and not tall and produce more yield
  17. I

    Need advice! To top or not to top?

    try looking up low stress training before you decide to top i also am first time grower this year I wish I knew about low stress training before I topped mine
  18. I

    not sure how old plant is

    hey my buddy gave me this one . he wasnt sure how old the plant was .and im not sure how old either.and ideas?
  19. I

    first time grow ? about sexing

    your rite i looked it up and saw a picture and thats what it is i dont know how old this plant is though it was given to me.
  20. I

    first time grow ? about sexing

    the hairs are still green