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  1. Balzerismo

    My setup

    cyks thanks for the backup, but these are indeed his babys lol.. I wanted to get outside opinion since he is an idiot, im just keeping them at my casa for the moment
  2. Balzerismo

    My setup

    11X35w lights (8 being selected for flowering) 6x12.5v computer fans for circulation. Maintains a steady temp of 76-81 while its running, 12/12 atm for flowering. and other then the damn fungus gnats its going well, I thought I voided it by using fox farrm let me know what you...
  3. Balzerismo

    hash with NASTY BROWN SHIT

    bumpd saas das da ad ad ada HELP
  4. Balzerismo

    hash with NASTY BROWN SHIT

    so we recently made a bad deal resulting in nasty brown skimped schwag, so its either hash or butter for most of it. a few Qs what method should I use for hash how much is the ratio for pretty LOW quality shit.. Bud to hash ratio Thanks for help in this matter
  5. Balzerismo

    looks like i may get off my lazy ass and make some hash today

    so uhh... YOU GOING TO SHARE OT WHAT?!
  6. Balzerismo

    Germinating a seed in my mouth

    Jack you've started something great. I'm for sure trying this.
  7. Balzerismo

    Growing HZxMANGO in winter...

    first id like to say Ron Paul is the MAN, hes for sure got my and everyone I knows support (hehe ;D) Im growing right now and i'm in Texas, Weather here is fine but I bring it inside or put a bag over it if it gets below 40 degrees if I can, DEFINANTLY if it gets below freezing or anywhere...
  8. Balzerismo

    Some white spots and Browning on a few leaves

    Well a good month into grow and im noticing white spots and a couple rather large brown spots on the edge of one leaf and in the middle of another. I'm feeding it 7-6-7 Dyna Grow every 4-5 days with regular water (reverse osmosis water) every 2 days. I heard the white spots has something to do...
  9. Balzerismo

    Hiliary Hostage situation

    LIVE VIDEO: Clinton Office Hostage Situation - Video - WMUR Manchester Ok so why go to N.H office to try and make an impact, what a stupid fuck. seems like a way to get the hecklers and people the candidates don't want around them out, bet we see a bunch of people using cameras getting tazed...
  10. Balzerismo

    For those who support the war on terror

    you have nothing to go on except by what you heard from some one or some where and your own logic.. The firefighters who died because a building fell on them (some how defying the laws of physics) and their friends and fellow FF's heard explosives in the towers and SAW destruction in the...
  11. Balzerismo

    For those who support the war on terror

    The troops are doing their jobs. Period. The thing that gets me is how our War on Terror all started, with FOUR planes striking America in 2 or so hours (Ok three made it to their targets, thank god the Generals disobeyed commands from Cheyney to stand down and called M-16's to shoot the third...
  12. Balzerismo

    Can I Get An Admin To Rename Me Please?

    I was pretty stoned upon creating the account, but that's no excuse. Can it please be changed to Blazedirismo :D how I made such a mistake is a mystery to me aswell.
  13. Balzerismo

    Where I am 5 weeks in. (*PICS*)

    Ok so I improvised with what I had around the house, I have a rather large plastic bin (not too big) with two 20w 1200lumen CFL's and was wondering (I know this has been asked millions of times but i'm going to be a stubborn noob") is they we're sufficent enough to sustain my plant through veg...
  14. Balzerismo

    Where I am 5 weeks in. (*PICS*)

    Thanks for the advice, so no cb then :mrgreen: Looks like I'm going to make the investment, because it is well worth it. If not i'll keep it in the sun as I have been and keep everyone up to date
  15. Balzerismo

    Where I am 5 weeks in. (*PICS*)

    Natural light, it's an outdoor grow.. I've been debating on switching to indoors, but i'm on an extreme budget so a closely watched outdoor grow was my best choice. I may just make a growbox out of cardboard and aluminum foil to use for veg I guess, I know ive seen this and it's been...
  16. Balzerismo

    Where I am 5 weeks in. (*PICS*) FIX!!!!!!!
  17. Balzerismo

    Where I am 5 weeks in. (*PICS*)

    Sprout roughly 5 weeks ago and has shown little problems other then some over fertilization (flushed it, problem was fixed) and some black things under the leaf (assuming its mites, so going to do the garlic spray method.) and white spots are beginning to appear. Came from some really decent...
  18. Balzerismo

    Too late to plant now?

    I started mine about 5 weeks ago, I bring them inside every night because temp can get to low 50's.. But here in texas if you play your cards right you can get a yield year round.
  19. Balzerismo

    An Old DARE Movie from gradeschool.

    You people are all criminals, high and what not.. If you do drugs, you support terrorism... ;)
  20. Balzerismo

    How much time left, Bud pic

    Some good looking buds man, I'd say you're getting there. If 60% of pistols are brown and I remember hearing to start harvest when around 85% are brown then, as you said, about another week :). Enjoy them buds, im having fun just looking at em :D