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  1. C

    Help ! First grow does it look right?Mysterious leaves curling down!

    well there is some leaf spot fungus check hunmidity and over watering by the looks of things
  2. C

    i got bugs but they dont seem to be doing any damage should i do something?

    wow what organics was in that lol how old are they if they are established it should be fine are you sure it is non systemic which means the leaves dont take it to the roots ?
  3. C

    wtf...someone tell me what you think....with pics

    they look ok to me what you worried about them girls looking mighty fine ? a little heat stressed and maybe slightly only slightly add a bit of nitrogen when the leaves go like that at the sides it means they are dry craving for water a heat stressed plant does this its a way they deal with it
  4. C

    Hey guys another question

    i agree but in this case maybe not the spots would be more evenly spread over the whole leaf but saying that you did say you put them outside for a day its a good job you got it isolated from the other 2 it wont hurt to give it a spray anyway
  5. C

    i got bugs but they dont seem to be doing any damage should i do something?

    spray them with a non systemic insecticide theres no telling what they could be doing to the roots
  6. C

    Cooling your grow room even on a budget

    not alot of info there any ventilation ?
  7. C

    Nutrient Deficiency?

    humidity dome them guys are sweating they dont need a humidity dome thats why they are all wrinkled to much humidty
  8. C

    Hey guys another question

    looking a bit pale maybe nitrogen deficiency and i see a couple of leaves drooping which indicates slight overwatering
  9. C

    Thousand Ways Too Kill Your Marijuana plant

    over fertilizing common mistake
  10. C

    Brown spots.. Need help... please

    they should have been potted up ages ago m8 they are potbound the answer to your question is the question itself if a plant is in its vegetative state i would say get any plant food that says for vegetables high in nitrogen if a plant is in its flowering stage i would say get any plant...
  11. C

    This plant got burned bad. Savable or garbage??

    they past it m8 best chop now and try and salvage something can you smell thc on them ?
  12. C

    Just Dont Know~PICS INCLUDED~

    you have leaf spot fungus my friend very hard to get rid of and there is nute burn you dont need to be adding nutes at this stage just plain tap water not osmosis water just tap water thats left stood for 24 hours it has nutriants in it even direct tap water is ok there is no evidance to suggest...
  13. C

    Damping off problem? Please help +REP

    whats your cloning method without knowing this how can anybody help ?
  14. C

    Did I veg too long?

    they have got atleast another 5 weeks to go get some HPS on them m8 dont worry about the white spots they look far to green aswell ease off on the nitrogen and they look a little over watered aswell m8
  15. C

    damaged plants 2 weeks into flowering,will i be ok?

    5 plants under a 1000 wow your gonna get some bud there bro just tape them up m8 they be fine
  16. C

    Curling sadly ..

    coco soil you dont coco clay is differant they look fine to me but before its to late drop back on the watering coco soil has no nutes in it at all so you do need to introduce nutes but start off slow i mean real slow and increase slightly every 3/4 days i would recommend watering 2 times a day...
  17. C

    Help! yellowing and dying plant and leaves

    deffo nute burn m8 snip off the bad bits with scissors dont take the whole leaf off and just give them water and no nutes at all for now flush them thouroughly under the tap and then just leave them outside try not to get any water on the leaves and dont water them again until they are...
  18. C

    Is this a burn from the light?

    moving the light would havel helped looks like you burnt them to me 81 is way to high get some more ventilation in there m8