Cooling your grow room even on a budget


no drilled holes but i do have a fan pointed at the doorknob hole im not sure what fans would be cheap and suitable for ventaltion i also have a twelve inch fan just skrewed to the wall is there a trick to where i should place my holes im kinda in a wierd shaped closet it has a high cieling where im growing but it gets low in the back i was thinking about moving my grow to where the ceilings smaller and the heat would rise away from the plants


Well-Known Member
You should have a place where air comes in and a place for air to go out. It's best if you can blow air in from the bottom and exhaust heat out near the top, since the heat will rise anyway. Or you could move to a better growing location that you could ventilate easier, like you said.

If you have a fan right up against the wall, it is not going to work very well, the fan needs space behind it so it can pull air through to blow forward. Try to have a fan blowing between the tops of the plants and the lights, blowing hot air up away from the plant tops and upward to an exhaust at the top of the grow area.