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  1. G

    Capsules Cooking Method

    thanks vincent, one question, I am not using a crockpot but just a glass bowl in water with a thermometer. Do I need to cover the glass bowl witht he lid? also burnout you can get gelatin capsules and do it by hand or buy the capsule machine.
  2. G

    Capsules Cooking Method

    I'm using the frying pan and coconut oil method. I was thinking of heating the oil to around 330-350 degrees then taking the pan off the heat and adding the herb. The question is that should I replace the pan and let it simmer for 30 minutes at 200 or let it cool down in the pan in room...
  3. G

    GE 3 Way Bulb

    Are these controlled by three way switches or are they really 12/23/29 stacked ontop of eachother? I just bought it at walmart and if its just really default 12 watts or 29 watts?
  4. G

    Top soil mess up

    I think the top soil was actually restricting how the plants were growing. They were since sprout 2 weeks ago, but they look like plants (looking at grow journals) that were a little over a week ago that were correctly grown. They are only 1 and a half inches and about to get their 4th set of...
  5. G

    Top soil mess up

    Okay thanks, Just got some potting soil and mixed around 10% perlite with it. When I was transferring the plants, all the roots were in a very hard clump of soil. I tried my best to get the soil off and leave roots dangling, but in doing so, ripped some roots. Will this will not effect the...
  6. G

    Top soil mess up

    I just found out that I was using top soil and not potting soil for my 2 week sprouts. What is the best way to get rid of the top soil and replacing it with potting soil? They are still in solo cups so should I just transfer it?
  7. G

    Nutrient Schedule??

    I'm lazy and just bought premixed generic nutes on ebay of 20-20-20 and 10-30-20. I am limited to a small space, thus I am planning on vegetating for 2.5-3 weeks. Then go to 12/12 thus keeping the plants smaller. Should I not even bother with the 20-20-20 and use the 10-30-20 at half strength...