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    A PC grow Box design - need your opinions - Sketch attached.

    Update (after more than a year): The case can support only one mature plant, using LST the plant is using every space available to it. The yields are usually around 15-25grams. I added a clock to time the lights and a temp. & humidity indicators. they are placed on top of the PSU. Main...
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    DR. Doom.. this cant be good, pls help

    wonder how bad it looks, doesn't sound good though...
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    M3rc3r's grows

    This is truly awesome man. what's wrong with what you got? the yield should be fine me thinks... :)
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    brown tips and brown spot on leaves. Whats going on??? i have pictures

    nute burn? I guess it's not the lamp, cause i don't see it... how much nutes do you use?
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    If You Have Or Have Ever Had Spider Mites Read This

    I'll definitely look around for one, for my next grow.
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    Is this harvest tiime? Help me out!

    Problem is, the plant was heavily damaged by the whiteflies. many leaves are dying, even some of the small leaves on the buds... I'm afraid the whole plant is dying... the smell of it also really reminds me of a dried-read-to-smoke-buds.
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    Is this harvest tiime? Help me out!

    Nah, no webs :) it's my cat's hair all over the house, it got there as well... I thought the trichs are more cloudy... defnitely not amber :). I need some more opinions!!
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    Is this harvest tiime? Help me out!

    Hey There, i've uploaded a few closeups, so it would be easier to tell. these images were taken today which is a few days after the thread started. Thanks for the help guys!
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    Is this harvest tiime? Help me out!

    Thanks a lot! but I'm not fond of wasps... unless there's a kind that doesn't sting... i could also grow Marigolds (flower) that repel those mofos but I have place for one plant in the PC case and not 2 :/ I think my mistake was that the case is usually open to allow more room and airflow for...
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    Is this harvest tiime? Help me out!

    how often should I spray the plant with this softsoap and water mix? I have sprayed them 3 times now in 2 days. the plant is dry after an hour so I think i'm not blocking the leaves pores...
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    Is this harvest tiime? Help me out!

    I don't have a magnifying tool, i'll buy one today. Even so, if I have only 2 weeks left to harvest, I should stop giving nutes aight? Also, Been to the flower shop and the guy there told me to not waste my money on something that I already made myself, soap and water... He also recommended...
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    Is this harvest tiime? Help me out!

    Been flowering for a abit over a month now
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    Is this harvest tiime? Help me out!

    Hi there, yesterday I realized I have a pest problem (whiteflies). So I sprayed the plant with soft-soap and water, with hope to stall the pests until I'd get an insecticide (planned for this morning). Yesterday the pistils where somewhat red, but this morning all the pistils are looking...
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    Invaders! What are these little white flies??

    Made a homemade insecticide using soft-soap and water... sprayed the plant crazy... hope it will help pass tonight before buying some real insecticide. Web sites claim this is extremely effective against soft bodied insects like the whiteflies I have. wish me luck...
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    Invaders! What are these little white flies??

    funny is, I called them myself white flies...
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    Invaders! What are these little white flies??

    +REP! Dude, you are right... now I can describe them to the teller in the shop :) Thanks!
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    A PC grow Box design - need your opinions - Sketch attached.

    Sketchup it is. Built it already. The result is 90% close to the sketch. I have 1 fan blowing on the plant and 1 inline with the lights (Intake fans array). I also added another outtake fan on top (80mm). the intake fans are moving lots of air despite they are pretty close to the 'wall'. The...
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    Invaders! What are these little white flies??

    Thanks. I noticed their eggs on the leaves. I just took my sprayer and sprayed the hell out of the plant, i literaly watered it. gonna leave it like this for an hour or two and come back see if there's excess water to remove by shaking the plant. I hope I removed some of them. Stalling them...
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    Invaders! What are these little white flies??

    Do you know what they are called?
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    Invaders! What are these little white flies??

    +rep I think i get it... I just need a good non-toxic repellent... I'll jump over to the nearest shop tomorrow. Thanks! P.S. Does anyone know if they are harmful? they could be beneficial no?