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  1. Nineohblazer

    new here, noob to the grow.

    awesome buddy thanks! I still think i'll get my seeds from worldwide
  2. Nineohblazer

    new here, noob to the grow.

    Okay so i started a seed i found in a bag and it's been germinating for a couple of days now (i started it in soil and moved it into damp papertowel) it was a greeny colour and now its turning into a brown is that normal?
  3. Nineohblazer

    new here, noob to the grow.

    Should have no problem with that, its in a closet and there's a window not far away,ordor isnt an issue as there's not many close neighbours around
  4. Nineohblazer

    new here, noob to the grow.

    Also i'll be using water from a reverse osmosis filter, ive read thats good for them right?
  5. Nineohblazer

    new here, noob to the grow.

    what would be better though, a 250 watt or 400 watt, my grow space is only 2.5x3x6
  6. Nineohblazer

    new here, noob to the grow.

    From what ive gathered, bare with me, they put out a better light spectrum and dont heat up as much, so you can put them closer to your plants with fear or burning them and i think for these you'd use them for the whole grow?
  7. Nineohblazer

    new here, noob to the grow.

    do you follow through with them when their ready to be planted in happy frog? I know the ocean blend (i forget the name of it now) will burn seedlings
  8. Nineohblazer

    new here, noob to the grow.

    awesome find man thanks a bunch, i'll be going with one of these for sureeee! I can never find stuff like, i guess im not looking in the right place. So if i went with foxfarm happy frog i'd stick with that the whole grow or would i get something simple for seedlings?
  9. Nineohblazer

    new here, noob to the grow.

    Nevermind i found one!
  10. Nineohblazer

    new here, noob to the grow.

    So many to choose from
  11. Nineohblazer

    new here, noob to the grow.

    I just read on a different site that CMH bulbs will work in a HPS fixture , is that true?
  12. Nineohblazer

    new here, noob to the grow.

    Found this, looks like a pretty good deal...
  13. Nineohblazer

    new here, noob to the grow.

    Thanks alot man , your threads are really helping I've learnt a lot. I wont be doing anything for awhile anyway so im just soaking in all the knowledge i can in the meantime But theroy is no comparison to practical my space is 2.5ft wide X 3ft long X 6ft high max. i can go out more long...
  14. Nineohblazer

    hey man, i was just wondering if you could take a quick look at my thread...

    hey man, i was just wondering if you could take a quick look at my thread! Just looking for a little insight, been on the website for a few hours now reading your newbie threads and i thought you would be the man to ask!
  15. Nineohblazer

    new here, noob to the grow.

    Thanks a lot man, i'm looking into it, nice price too. the lights on were really pricey and being on a small budget i cant afford them and my grow space is really small. i got pleanty of height and length but not a lot of width. Any companies/sites you'd recommend?
  16. Nineohblazer

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    hey man just wondering if you could take a quick look at the thread!
  17. Nineohblazer

    new here, noob to the grow.

    Hey guys/girls hows everyone doin? Been creeping around the site for a couple of days now so i thought i'd join. So i plan to start growing my own pretty soon and ive got a list of things picked out so i was wondering if i could get any advice on the things i have picked out. Seeds...