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  1. K

    I did shrooms for the first time, did you experience this?

    Well with mushrooms its always random, and funny as hell for me. One time I couldn't kiss my girlfriend because her face was all melted and I was giggling about it so hard. other times I've thought the room was shrinking, the walls were moving, roads have been breathing, etc etc. Lots of crazy...
  2. K

    Growing indoors

    You should check the Watt's of everything befor you buy them. Don't worry about the size just ask them the wattage and the lumen output. CFL's work as well as flo's accept its harder to find CFL's with high wattage. Tinfoil wont hurt your plants I use it everytime. You can get higher wield by...
  3. K

    How Many HPS

    How many of these do I need for 2 - 6 plants(depends how many come out female).. and which lights 150 watt or 70 watt? 70 Watt HPS Floodlight 150 Watt HPS Floodlight Also how much growing space do you think I will need without it getting to over heated?
  4. K

    Is Tap water no good??

    I just fill up bottles of tap water and let them sit open for 24 - 48 hours that way the chlorine evaporates and you have a better PH balance.. much better for your plant
  5. K

    Additional CFL Forum

    Yes CFL's are definitely great for cheaper grows like my own. It would be a great idea as I have lots of questions and it would be cooler to have some specific stuff
  6. K

    Lighting and later on Sexing my little plants

    Well I planted a few germinated seeds about 2 days ago and their already about 2 inches tall.. I was just wondering if while in the vegetative state if it will be ok to leave the light on 24 hours? like will that make them grow faster or should i just stick to 18 - 6?.. and how many weeks should...
  7. K

    Is this enough light?

    make a smaller grow area with bright white walls or tinfoil. People frown upon the tin foil because it can burn holes in your leaves but with less powerful lights it wont be hot enough or bright enough to burn your plant.. It's a much cheaper way to do things and you wont have anything amazing...
  8. K

    Question About CFL's

    Hmm well rather then buy a whole bunch of low wattage CFL's I'm probably going to be looking for a large one like 150 - 200 watts
  9. K

    Question About CFL's

    K i seriously need to know and the lights are actually 13 watt, 40 watt replacements. This is just for a limited time until i pick up stronger bulbs. But until then I have a basically unlimited supply of these 13 watt ones. How many do I need for 1 or 2 plants
  10. K

    Heating Lamps?

    My buddy told me he used a heating lamp on and off while he was growing 2 plants in his closet. He said aslong as you don't over heat them they will grow well but I was looking for a second opinion. Mainly because if this does work it will be much cheaper for me to grow my plants. PS: if you...
  11. K

    This is the best setup $ can get!!!!!

    Surely that isn't the grow room you grew it in?
  12. K

    Question About CFL's

    And just how many plants is SWIM growing?
  13. K

    Question About CFL's

    Sorry for bumping this but it is kind of urgent as the seeds are nearly done germinating and I need to plant them soon.
  14. K

    Question About CFL's

    CFL's are the little spiral lightbulbs correct? If so then I was wondering how many I would need for growing 1 or 2 plants in every stage from seedling to flowering? That is I mean to say how many of the 40 watt CFL's would I need?