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  1. N

    UK window sill grow - absolute newb

    hi First off forget these guys advice.....Obviously, they are not in th uk..... This year is a nighmare for growing, summer is late and not very warm (i.e. fluctuations in tempreture, will leave you with nothing) If you really have to attempt to grow in your window, then i suggest you try...
  2. N

    Fastest and easiest strain to grow indoors??

    Which strain is the quickest and easiest to grow indoors?
  3. N

    Produce weed in 43 days

    Your page is having technical difficulties... Hhhmmm....
  4. N

    Attention Atheist

    Who cares? Enjoy what u have now :D
  5. N

    Why Is There Homosexuality, And How Does One Accept It?

    well as somone said who cares if your gay or straight? What you do is upto you and no-one else..... The point is people will always find something to differentiate you from another person, it's sadly the way of human nature. 1 in 3 men will have sex with another man during thir lifetime, and all...
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    I've gone to the dark side

    wow nice :D
  7. N

    My ass is hooked.

    :d .
  8. N

    My ass is hooked.

    Clear it how????
  9. N

    I Think my Pineapple Express has down syndrome. (seedling)

    leaves seem pretty yellow? Only started to grow mine.....
  10. N

    Marijuana and Male Pattern Bladness (hairloss receding hairline)

    lol anyone who wears a hat for more than 4 hours a day even above the head (i.e chef's) etc.... will still lose hair faster than people who do not wear a hat due to the fact that the air cannot circulate and represses air folicles from growing, they then become blocked with a mix of sweat and...
  11. N

    Marijuana and Male Pattern Bladness (hairloss receding hairline)

    New Zealand study published in june on the same subject, sample size 1000 people....shows there is no differnce from using there lol :P