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  1. Bluntsmoker20

    New Grow

    lol, Well i guess its time to get to work on my closet. Got to go. will be updating at least weekly so thank everyone, later
  2. Bluntsmoker20

    New Grow

    of coarse, you have any comments on how to get the heat out?
  3. Bluntsmoker20

    New Grow

    But wouldnt a 400 watt hps kick out a lot of heat? I mean i have no way of pushing the hot air out of my all the time closed closet.
  4. Bluntsmoker20

    New Grow

    Hey thanks for the comments, ill be sure to update weekly. And im planning to invest in HPS. Do yall have any opinions on wattage, 250 or 400 hps. I dont want to big of a light because of the heat and the amount of space i have. Thanks
  5. Bluntsmoker20

    New Grow

    Whats up people. These are my two new plants. Hopefully these 2 do not end up male like my last grow. If anyone has any comments please leave em'. Let me know how they look. SETUP: 5 2...
  6. Bluntsmoker20

    Male or Female?

    Yeah I dont think i wanna smoke no stanky balls! yeah im going to replant, and im am definately going to do an outside grow this summer.
  7. Bluntsmoker20

    Male or Female?

    Anyone have any comments? Should i give up on them or is there still a chance they could be female?
  8. Bluntsmoker20

    Male or Female?

    hey i just took these pictures, ive been on 12/12 about a week and i think i have my answer, shit that was a long wait for 2 males. Can you smoke male plants?
  9. Bluntsmoker20

    Male or Female?

    im just going to try to flower with fluros see how it goes, this is my first grow so im just seeing how it goes before getting too far in. Right now ive got 6 2 foot fluros with plant lights in the fixture. Its worked so far for vegging hopfully it will be sufficient for flowering. But for sure...
  10. Bluntsmoker20

    Male or Female ?

    You usually start seeing sex 1 to 2 weeks into a 12/12 flowering cycle.
  11. Bluntsmoker20

    Male or Female?

    i just took that pic yesterday, i looked this morning and somthing seems to be showing up between the two little shoots its small but its there. I will put more pitures in about a week so you all can see whats goin on.
  12. Bluntsmoker20

    Male or Female?

    yeah ive been planning on geting more fluros for flowering, be nice to get hps but i dont controll my wallet if you guys now what im talking about, how many more lights do you think i should go for?
  13. Bluntsmoker20

    Male or Female?

    Heres another closup. Ive heard people flowering when plants are like 6in tall, these plants are 17in tall. I thought they would be eager to grow some bud?
  14. Bluntsmoker20

    Male or Female?

    How much longer should i wait these plants are like 2 1/2 months
  15. Bluntsmoker20

    Male or Female?

    So you cant tell yet? I just put them on 12/12 yesterday, about how long do you think it will be for hair or seed signs to show up?
  16. Bluntsmoker20

    Male or Female?

    Whats up people i just wanted to see some opinons on my plants. You guys think this is a male or female?