Male or Female ?


New Member
In my oopinon it depends on the plant itself. Mine are about 2 months and in the preflowering stages but i was still able to detirmine sex, tho the dude about me has got it right, the best way it to wait till the 12/12 light cycle, if is a male youll see little "footballs" at each internode, if its a female youll see little teardrops with 2 white cloudy hairs (pistils) comin out of the teardrop.


Well-Known Member
you can presex before 12/12. in fact, one of mine has balls right now....been under 24 the whole time too... what a horny fucker.


Well-Known Member
thats not a day into 12/12 buddy. and if it is, you need to tell me your secret.


Well-Known Member
i have the same issue i just germinated my seeds,. how long do i wait or what do i do to find out the sex,.. and how long do i have until the males ruin the rest of the plants,.. my plants are all together in 1 clear plastic box,. and also can some one tell me how should i keep my plants they just sprouted out the ground should it be total dark for few days?


Well-Known Member
If you look close at the cannabis female it has two sharp like fingers pointing up the stem.The major part of the tim if a plant has this it is female unless it is hermi.But if you have a true hermi that has happened just from seed without you causeing it it is worth has much has a pure female because this is the way to get femanised seeds.Put it in with one female and the seeds will be 100% femanised but it has to be a hermi from seed born that way.


Active Member
During veg, you can do 12 hrs of regular light and 12 hrs of blue LED to reveal sex. I like to use computer fans with the blue LED. After that you can resume 24hr light veg with no problems whatsoever.