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  1. mint1e

    Mossy's Jem/Lowryder Purple Gems CFL closet grow

    i think i have a problem with the ph, as a week has gone by and they have hardly grown at all, they are starting to get black spots and yellow leaves .... erugh. Hvae flushed them with bottled watter which is 6.1 ph. lets see how these guys go over the weekend. Really they should of shown sex by...
  2. mint1e

    Ph Problems

    the thing is as im in the uk prices for stuff like ph kits and ph down is the same for you put is in pounds instead, so we kinda get screwed over. but hey, im just being cheap as i dont have loads of money.
  3. mint1e

    Ph Problems

    i checked on my ph because i was looking at grow diaries of the same plants and mine are way behind what other peoples are, also im growing a lowryder and it hasn't shown sex and its been about 4 week now. I know something is wrong and i figured out it must be my ph, i bought some litmus papers...
  4. mint1e

    Ph Problems

    i wil end up buying the test kit but its more expensive in the uk. the cheapest ones i have found are about £20 thats POUNDS not dollars. but as im just growing acouple of plants i will use the bottled water for a bit as its only 40p for 2 liters. As a student i dont have much money as it is. Im...
  5. mint1e

    Ph Problems

    right basically im living in a major city and the tap water here is high 7 almost 8 from what i can tell form tests i have done. i was just wondering as i dont have lot of money to invest into stuff to measure ph properly and lower it could i just buy bottled water and use that and would be ok...
  6. mint1e

    Ph problems

    right basically im living in a major city and the tap water here is high 7 almost 8 from what i can tell form tests i have done. i was just wondering as i dont have lot of money to invest into stuff to measure ph properly and lower it could i just buy bottled water and use that and would be ok...
  7. mint1e

    Mossy's Jem/Lowryder Purple Gems CFL closet grow

    i left mine just out on the side at xmass time and a little bit after and was shocked it was still alive as no one was in my house so the heating wasn't on and it hadn't been watered for ages and it started to bud!?!? so its now been under some lights for 18/6 for about 2 weeks and there is some...
  8. mint1e

    First Grow, newbie, looking for any advice or help! Kannabia Gnomo
  9. mint1e

    Mossy's Jem/Lowryder Purple Gems CFL closet grow

    oops i forgot to say they are on 18/6 and will be all there life, and for some reason the photos of the plants are on there side. you can still see them so im not too bothered about turning them round :P
  10. mint1e

    Mossy's Jem/Lowryder Purple Gems CFL closet grow

    Hey guys, i thought i would start this journal just because i havent seen lots of full grow journals for these seeds, also well for the funs of it as i enjoy to read and follow peoples journals. I am growing just in the closet just for a bit of fun and you never know maybe even some smoke I am...
  11. mint1e

    Seed casing attached to the new plant

    hey guys, just a quick question. I have tried to have a look around but i havent found much on what people say about this. i have poped 5 new seeds (mossys jems) and 2 of the sprouts have the seed casing still attached at the top. its been about 2 days sense they have come above soil and the...
  12. mint1e

    First Grow, newbie, looking for any advice or help! Kannabia Gnomo

    right i have just poped some new seeds for my next little adventure and was wondering if you guys or anyone on here would like me to try and keep a diary of it. i just poped some mossys jems, they are basicaly the same as Purple jems which are the joint doctors purple lowryders. If anyone would...
  13. mint1e

    250w CFL, Kannabia Gnomo, 2nd Grow

    i tried out some gnomo for my frist grow and yes, not atuoflowering at all. i had to put them in 12/12 and luckly i was just growing one but she was female. my buds are really small and dosnt seem worth it at all.... but then this was my first grow so it could be all my fault.... i dont know. i...
  14. mint1e

    First Grow, newbie, looking for any advice or help! Kannabia Gnomo

    right sorry guys but yer i basically gave up on this. i went home for Christmas and just left the plant on the windowsill for about 4 weeks. it did start to bud as i was putting out on the windowsill but it just did not get enough light over Christmas for it do to anything. So 4 weeks by its...
  15. mint1e

    First Grow, newbie, looking for any advice or help! Kannabia Gnomo

    the top parts are very light green/white, i just want it to show sex so it can start to flower soon. I just thought if its ment to be ready to harvest 8 weeks from seed, 4 weeks in it should of shown sex. but hey i just need to slow down and let it do its thing....
  16. mint1e

    First Grow, newbie, looking for any advice or help! Kannabia Gnomo

    18/6 as its ment to be an Autoflower
  17. mint1e

    First Grow, newbie, looking for any advice or help! Kannabia Gnomo

    Week 4 shortly after i took thouse photos i watered my plant again, i can remember reading somewhere that the Gnomo is sensitive to overwatering so i have been careful and they weren't joking! I woke up the next day to see that the plant alll drooping down and not looking happy at all!! i...
  18. mint1e

    First Grow, newbie, looking for any advice or help! Kannabia Gnomo

    right i havent done an update in about 2 weeks and i have photos from week 3 of this plant so there will be 2 parts. week 3 yer everything was going ok and some new leafs are growing and looking fine and good ... well i thought it was (no idea why the 2nd photo is the wrong way up ... it...
  19. mint1e

    First Grow, newbie, looking for any advice or help! Kannabia Gnomo

    15 days after getting the seeds though the post (so that probably means the seed has been above soil for about 13/12 days) i have a plant with some fat leaves growing. its not amazing tall at the moment but the 3rd set of leaves are now growing and in a couple of days i should hopefully have a...
  20. mint1e

    First Grow, newbie, looking for any advice or help! Kannabia Gnomo

    Hey guys just a little update. Its been about a week sense i got the seed and started this whole little adventure! Right i have now a little grow area set up in my wardrobe. I have got a 125w dual CFL hanging above my little plant on a 18/6 set up. I have been watering my plant every 2/3 days (...