First Grow, newbie, looking for any advice or help! Kannabia Gnomo


Active Member
right sorry guys but yer i basically gave up on this. i went home for Christmas and just left the plant on the windowsill for about 4 weeks. it did start to bud as i was putting out on the windowsill but it just did not get enough light over Christmas for it do to anything. So 4 weeks by its self (one of my flat mates did water it once though) i thought it would of died but i was surprised to come back and see it still living. It looks like it has now finished budding as the hairs of the (very few buds) are almost all brown. Theres probably enough for a joint? not really sure as there is soo little buds on this plant as it just had no light when it started to bud. I have started a new grow now of mossy jems (lowryder purple jems) but i have this gnomo at the moment back under a light just to see what might happen and i cant be bothered to cut it down for the very little thats on there.
if people want i can upload some photos of it. I might do a grow diary for my mossys jems im not sure, if people want me to i shall.
in my opinion i will not buy these seeds again as it didn't turn out as well as i would of hoped, but it was my first time so maybe the seed is not to blame.


Active Member
right i have just poped some new seeds for my next little adventure and was wondering if you guys or anyone on here would like me to try and keep a diary of it. i just poped some mossys jems, they are basicaly the same as Purple jems which are the joint doctors purple lowryders. If anyone would like to see me try anther diary just shout!