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  1. uahn

    Granddaddy purple veg issues

    So, it was nitrogen deficient, thanks purple! but now im sure "she" is a "he"...can someone confirm? Still in veg.
  2. uahn

    Granddaddy purple veg issues

    Btw, i also have this "alaska fish fert" its 5-1-1. The 5 is nitogen right? Would this stuff work on her? I bought it from lowes a while back... (Does nutes have to be specially made for cannabis? Plants are plants right? They should all have the basic necessities.) Sometime i think im over...
  3. uahn

    Granddaddy purple veg issues

    Mmjmon- Tbh, dont think so, but i hav digital ones that say between 79-85....that stick says its 85 under light, which is 18" from light. Tripurple- if it is nitogen deficient, what methods to rid this problem? Im using big bloom bc it was on the ff feeding schedule. I guess i should use grow...
  4. uahn

    Granddaddy purple veg issues

    can you guys give opinions on what is wrong with her? I think overwatering, but who knows....thanks 600 watt Day 35 veg H20 (from sink but i let it sit for a couple of days b4 i give it to her) ff big bloom every other feeding. 7/11- stop giving her h2o for three days now Thank you.
  5. uahn

    CO2 bag, anyone try it/is using one?

    When i bought it, they said its for small grows. i used it in my clone tent. (36x36x20). I dont know if it worked but my clones looked really happy! $20 for peace of mind...:weed:
  6. uahn

    GROW TENT AND Co2 in the bedroom, deadly combo?

    But a bucket of rice is an invitation for bugs... But yes is would work.
  7. uahn

    plants hasn't grown at all in the past few days? first time grow

    I find that misting is not a good idea. (How often does a plant get rained on outdoors?) The only things i have discovered is by misting it promotes mold to start showing up in my happy enviroment. And you're also blocking surface area on the leaves to breathe. Thats my opinion, but no one...
  8. uahn

    First dry/cure question. need opinions.

    those look good. brown bag for a day or so, then jar it up...
  9. uahn

    CFL DWC Cabinet SCROG

    very nice cabinet. very impressive harvest.
  10. uahn

    new 2 rubbermaid. help...

    nice one....
  11. uahn

    Info on foxfarms soil and nutes ?

    potentrx7 is right. tiger bloom is great. i use tiger plus cha ching (toward the latter part of flowering)... getting great results. Another thing i heard about is molasses during flowering. Makes sense with the sugar, but i don't know about 3 parts when im watering her.
  12. uahn

    Seed to Harvest (Weekly Videos) - Indoor Marijuana Stealth CFL Cardboard Grow Box

    i was going to use cardboard to construct my box, but opted not to because census was it wouldn't hold up... but know that i saw yours. I might have to reconsider.... my avatar is from a branch i had to chop from a mother.(pruning her)... thought she was dead, but wife wanted to give her an...
  13. uahn

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    can you tell from these?
  14. uahn

    Info on foxfarms soil and nutes ?

    like they said.....they're right.... i started "grow big" 2 week out of germination... that 1/4 strength smelly said is a really good idea... Ive had plants that love nutes and there are some that had a bad reaction.... all FF products are awsome, the only one that isn't my favorite is the...
  15. uahn

    new 2 rubbermaid. help...

    me to, i got her for a bag at a dispensary. Out of curiosity, how did you set up your lights? your box is pretty tall... how do you keep your plants close?
  16. uahn

    2nd GROW EVER CFL (Genetics= Opium) Started flowering this weekend

    looks good noob. is that foil in your nursery? no hot spot issues? But the big girls look good. Love when they're that deep green. means your defintely loving them Good Luck!
  17. uahn

    293w Cfl grow.Road Runner, Wonder Woman. Check it out! Started 10-5-10.

    lookin good snipe. Really digging road runner, where did you get the seeds? (1st time, or experienced w/seed) keep it up bro!
  18. uahn

    new 2 rubbermaid. help...

    hey dad, sorry for your loss. I went through something like what your girls are doing.... the leaves turn a lighter green almost a faint yellow hew.... and stopped growing. if you search in the forum, it talks about "underwatering early vegetation and low nutes". when you grow in a box with...
  19. uahn

    new 2 rubbermaid. help...

    never mind about the lights, just read your post... 2 to 4" bad.