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  1. tjnation

    My Outdoor Grow

    Looks great! What are your flavors?
  2. tjnation

    N. California 2010 Medical Grow - Need some help

    It could be direct sun, try shading them with cloth late in the afternoon. I don't know your nutes, but I feed 10ml every other day of Calmg. I made a tea consisting of micro-nutes, Trace Minerals 7 (TM-7) and it has helped pull them through. You don't folliar feed do you? I can feed my GDP...
  3. tjnation

    N. California 2010 Medical Grow - Need some help

    I'll take pics of my plants today.
  4. tjnation

    N. California 2010 Medical Grow - Need some help

    I have a lot of the same strains. The last picture appears to be ChemDog, right? I have similar problems. I believe it to be heat stress. I'm in NC and mine look the same. I use calMg and a plethora of other nutes, been growing for years, and pretty certain the heat is your prob.
  5. tjnation

    Outdoor Grow with leaves curling up.

    Yea the Heat is rough right now. Thanks. I appreciate it!
  6. tjnation

    Adding Sugar to bud during flowering?

    Has anyone created ant problems due to molasses?
  7. tjnation

    Ginormous by Humboldt Nutrients

    I've been using the botanicare line for years. Recently been wondering if grass is really greener? Definitely stay updated; I'm curious.
  8. tjnation

    Outdoor Grow with leaves curling up.

    Well, I'm pretty sure it's GDP. I've been growing the same one for 4 years. I guess it could be something else. There were 3 different pics. The small bushy plant is the one I call GDP. You say you're watering every other day? I water once a day and was wondering if it was too much. Thanks...
  9. tjnation

    Outdoor Grow with leaves curling up.

    Hey, I'm new to the site and very interested in learning. I've grown the same strain (GDP) for years and it can handle a large amount of nutes. This year I grabbed some different strains. The two sativa looking ones are Blue Cheese and Chem-dog. Look at the pics; it appears to me that I'm over...