Outdoor Grow with leaves curling up.


I'm new to the site and very interested in learning. I've grown the same strain (GDP) for years and it can handle a large amount of nutes. This year I grabbed some different strains. The two sativa looking ones are Blue Cheese and Chem-dog. Look at the pics; it appears to me that I'm over fertilizing. I'm using all Botanicare. Currently using 5ml of Liquid Karma and 1/2 oz of ProGrow. Also 1 little drop of SuperThrive. 10ml of CalMg is used every 2 weeks. The GDP's get double of everything listed. Please comment if you can, I'm not nervous but I'd like to know what everyone else thinks.


hey man, just came across your post and are having some of the same problems. I've been watering my outdoor plants once a day because it's been getting 100 plus. I've cut down to watering to every other day and adding nutes once every other two waterings. Also are you sure that's a GDP?


Well, I'm pretty sure it's GDP. I've been growing the same one for 4 years. I guess it could be something else. There were 3 different pics. The small bushy plant is the one I call GDP.

You say you're watering every other day? I water once a day and was wondering if it was too much.

Thanks for the help.


Well-Known Member
water when it needs it. go to home depot and buy a moisture meter they are cheap. lift up the container, if it feels really bottom heavy then don't water. the cupping is the plants trying to perspire.


Well-Known Member
that curl is pretty natural looking my outdoor plants do that when it gets hott, i just gott some of mine to recover from ph lockout. but ur plants look great id say its just heat.....i also water my bigger plants everyday but i live in nor cal and its gettin hott during the day, i see all the neighbors watering everyday too and all there plants look great