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  1. Youngling

    DIY small air conditioner

    Well I would edit and remove posts but I don't have that option for most of my posts except for recent ones. Otherwise I wouldn't have said shit and I would have spent an hour and edited all my posts to have no info. I'm not sure the time period but it seems it could be 24 hours to edit. I'm...
  2. Youngling

    DIY small air conditioner

    I'm unable to post the schematics of any devices belonging to the company I recently obtained employment with but here is one that does a pretty good job of showing a conversion to DIGITAL CURRENT. Serapis: How old are you? Old...
  3. Youngling

    DIY small air conditioner

    Galvanic current is the term we use. Sorry I'm use to working with "digital current" converters. My mistake I apologize to thoes I offended. LoL
  4. Youngling

    Flushing..... I know I know.

    It would if she had not passed away in 03. Look aw0683 your a waste of my time (and I'm sure most people you encounter feel the same way). So I'll tell you something I'm sure you hear quite often. Go away, leave me alone.
  5. Youngling

    Plant too yellow in week 7 flowering

    A kitten becomes a cat at 1 human year of age. Flowering starts when pistols first come out. I know I was confused since many grow guides make you think it's at the switch but few actually explain in full.
  6. Youngling

    sensi star problems

    I doubt the temp caused you any problems. 87 is high but since you have some grows under your belt you should easily be able to identify heat stress and other issues. As for you not being stone 24/7 a sample requires a small portion of your time. Lastly you should refund everyone their money and...
  7. Youngling

    Flushing..... I know I know.

    I'm going to chalk that up to auto correct on my iPhone. And yes I have had my iPhone auto correct in to and, to to it, she to he and vice versa. And sadly I decline your request for friendship.
  8. Youngling

    Flushing..... I know I know.

    ^ case and point. I'd never expect someone like you to understand anything I'm talking about.
  9. Youngling

    Wtf??? bad X or wrong combo?

    I Personaly wouldn't know what your talking about since I've never encounter a pill with acid/speed/ or heroin in it. That is MOSTLY a myth. Speed I could see cause it's cheap. Acid I doubt because you would have to cook it down to a crystal form inorder to press it into the pill. It would be...
  10. Youngling

    lsd vs. 2c-e

    LSD is my drug of choice over any other. 2c-I and 2ce made me depressed and randomly throw up with out warning (good thing they were outdoor raves) I did how ever feel sensations I haven't felt on LSD before such as teeth growing inside my teeth and busting my teeth open to make room for new...
  11. Youngling

    Has Anyone Here Try K2?

    I smoked K2 and felt like the worst person in the world while I was on it. I was dizzy and felt like I could be on my way to deaths sweet embrace my heart was beating so fast. I did not feel high at all and would not recommend it to anyone. Now the Mr.nice guy brand got me high but my body has...
  12. Youngling

    Music that makes your trip soo much better :)

    I'm surprised I haven't seen this listed. Tool music + videos. It feels they were made for acid. Also "walking on fire" John digweed. Most trance to many artists for me to list. Look up ultra music festival pretty much anyone on the main stage.
  13. Youngling

    DIY small air conditioner

    Thanks for the tip Im looking into this.
  14. Youngling

    DIY small air conditioner

    I think the complexities of power confuse you. Computer fans run off of Digital current, you have modified a cell phone charger to power your computer fan. A cell phone charger converts AC to DC your are not running the fan off what ever you want it still has physical rules to follow. Also you...
  15. Youngling

    Flushing..... I know I know.

    Well to start, from all the reading I did and preparing I was to understand my choice of genetics would take how ever long I vegged + 9-11 weeks of flower. I started 11 weeks yesterday and she is still growing with no sign of stoping if I posted a bud shot I'm sure people may say 2-3 more weeks...
  16. Youngling

    bring ACID back

    Try electronic music festivals.
  17. Youngling

    Flushing..... I know I know.

    I like you. You amuse me. :)
  18. Youngling

    Flushing..... I know I know.

    Couldn't be farther from the truth. I think very low of all humans were the worst species ever.
  19. Youngling

    DIY small air conditioner

    No I didnt flood anything and it's not a computer fan. Computer fans don't run off AC they are DC. I want it removed because I don't want anyone else to see it.
  20. Youngling

    Remove All My Posts

    Well I'm the one requesting removal of my contributions so I'd hope they will. I think inactive posts should stay as a database of knowledge I just don't see a reason for me to continue posting when I generally answer all my own questions or people don't even read my question and post info not...