Remove All My Posts


Active Member
Hello I no longer wish to have any information I shared or questions I asked to be accessible on these forums is there anyway only my posts can be removed?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Not that i'm aware of. I guess due to not wanting to make the forum disjointed with lots of missing posts in conversations etc. There was talk a week or so ago about admin deleting inactive accounts but nothing seems to have actually been done with regard to that. From what i've seen so far though, not possible. (well possible, just not done on these forums)


Active Member
Well I'm the one requesting removal of my contributions so I'd hope they will. I think inactive posts should stay as a database of knowledge I just don't see a reason for me to continue posting when I generally answer all my own questions or people don't even read my question and post info not on topic.


Well-Known Member
your paranoia isn't their problem, you should just remain anonymous, good skill to use while using the internet in general


Well-Known Member
A good way to get a serious question answered is to PM somebody whose opinion you respect, and had shown a desire to be helpful.

Some of us just don't have time to read every post on a large forum, such as this.

Good luck, and congratulations on having the ability to figure out where to find answers.

With a bit of searching, you can find an answer to quite a few questions, around here.