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  1. Nativegrower

    Ph and other plant problems and solutions -- Awesome read

    Had to sub it, couldn't put it in journal because of length.
  2. Nativegrower

    Rust problem or perhaps mag deficiency?

    It's not my plant, if you read more closely it says this is an "example" of what I am facing. Oh and at the bottom, it says 420 magazine. Now that we have that out of the way, anyone with any sense, experience or intelligence know anything about the problem I have described?
  3. Nativegrower

    Rust problem or perhaps mag deficiency?

    Hey there. I have started my first grow, and I have run into a couple problems. The ladies are just under 3 weeks old, and all seem to have orange spots and discoloration, particularly on older growth near the bottom of the plants. I recently fixed a fungus gnat issue that resulted from a bad...
  4. Nativegrower

    Inside Sun company a ripoff?

    No, I have just found out that he did this to someone else. I am not saying that he wasn't legit at first, but he isn't now. He is billing people and not sending them their product. He is no better than a common thief. So heads up guys, don't buy from unless you want donate to...
  5. Nativegrower

    Inside sun

    You guys are all very lucky, this dude has been known to rip people off. I still haven't received what I ordered, and his ebay account was suspened. I think that he bit off more then he could chew, and now he just rips people off because it's easier to take money than to provide a service or...
  6. Nativegrower

    Inside Sun company a ripoff?

    Thanks man, it's nice to be reassured. I have done some research and found a brand new 600 watter switchable, with an upgraded bulb on ebay from HTG Supply for 219 I believe (and NO SHIPPING COST!!). That amounts to $60.00 off of inside sun which was the cheapest I had seen prior. Anyway...ty =).
  7. Nativegrower

    Subcool's Super Soil

  8. Nativegrower

    Inside Sun company a ripoff?

    Yeah, thanks for your reply man. Interestingly enough I remember seeing someone on these forums that reccomended this company, but I should have done my homework prior to ordering. It's okay though, because my credit union will reimburse me if I don't receive the product soon, and I have a...
  9. Nativegrower

    Inside Sun company a ripoff?

    Hey guys, I recently made an online purchase from Inside Sun company. After the fact, I read some reviews stating that they ripped some people off. Now while there were only a couple reviews of this nature, it was enough to get me worried, since I have been unable to contact the seller, he...
  10. Nativegrower

    10 blueberry kush just started flower...INDOOR ORGANIC

    Nice grow man, I can't wait to see them cured.
  11. Nativegrower

    Whats the best soil mix i can mix up for my first grow????

    I agree, it's far better to be safe than sorry.
  12. Nativegrower

    Tutorial to Growing with Cfl's

    Great information.
  13. Nativegrower

    Vertical lights and supercropping.

    Hey everyone, I have a general question. Would growing vertically eliminate the need for supercropping for say smaller yielding strains such as Kings Kush? I know that supercropping is used to increase both light efficiency and bud strength from forcing the stem regrowth perhaps. Anyway...
  14. Nativegrower

    my 8-10k watt kush grow

    I just sat here and read this entire thread for over and hour. I am not tired of it yet and I would love to see the continued progress =).