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  1. M

    not sure about the lights

    yeah you'll certainly want mot wattage as the plant matures. If you're sticking with only one plant you don't have to go over the top 1000W or anything near that, but just in general more is better. Especially if you are using the really small cfls (13 or 15w bulbs) you can get 5 or 6 of them...
  2. M

    Growing Hibiscus From Seed

    I didn't know hibisucs was commonly used for landscaping. I don't know much about the plant other than I enjoy the tea. The seeds I have are from the tea I bought (bulk herb store), so I assume its the right kind. My plant is hanging in there. Its winter in New hampshire, and even though its...
  3. M

    Growing Hibiscus From Seed

    I've read the plants don't like too much light, especially when they are young, so growing like cannabis wouldn't fit the bill. 18+ hours of light a day.. But I have a few more seeds and can easily get more, so perhaps I'll experiment. Thanks for all the tips cheers.
  4. M

    Cfl basic grow guide

    You go by Actual watts Equivalent means equivalent to an incandescent bulb... but who uses those to grow... go by the actual watts, 23W, 26W, 30W, 42W those are all common for the small spiral cfls
  5. M

    MetaGrow!!! Lots of Pics!!!!

    i might have missed it earlier in the thread but you mentioned buying the new bulbs; I thought 2700Ks were better for flowering as opposed to the 6500K bulbs you got; if the bulbs were the only ones you could get then i understand, but why not buy 2700k and for bagseed; looks good to me!
  6. M

    Cfl basic grow guide

    also make it more clear that the 2700K are better for flowering whereas the 6500K are better for veg phase
  7. M

    Cfl basic grow guide

    I don't have the link on hand but somewhere you should link to the guides/stickys that I believe are somewhere on this forum about LST and Topping. Those two techniques can be crucial to CFL because often they are used where space is an issue; thus topping and LST are crucial for cfl grows...
  8. M

    Growing Hibiscus From Seed

    Yeah that was essentially the spark of this grow. I started buying the tea in bulk form the local herb shop and found some seeds in with the dried flower; but I initially knew nothing about growing the plant; hibiscus tea is some of my favorite!
  9. M

    2nd grow; single plant CFL grow discussion

    Still no sprouts, the kush and another seed I germed (Dinafem Cloud#9) are both sitting in the grow box with lights on 20/4... getting worried that I've got no sprouts yet...
  10. M

    My First Grow - CFL 3 days from flower

    lookin' great. now way more of your plant is exposed to the light, she'll be happy. cheers mate and here's to a good harvest
  11. M

    Growing Hibiscus From Seed

    The tea is made from the dried leaves its quite good, has a sour tangy flavor, deed red color, high in vitamin C and antioxidants. makes a great iced tea during summer time and is a great blend to mix with other teas.
  12. M

    My First Grow - CFL 3 days from flower

    also consider this: you have a 4:1 ratio of 6500K to 2700K lights when you flower you'll want to flip flop that. 2700k are better for flowering
  13. M

    My First Grow - CFL 3 days from flower

    how close are your lights, the twisting may just be from the foliage moving to get maximal light coverage. You want to keep the cfls nice and close to your plants, 2" is plenty of separation especially if you have good air flow. You have all your lights above the plant, you could try adding...
  14. M

    Growing Hibiscus From Seed

    Good day everyone, Does anyone here have experience growing Hibiscus plants from seed? During the summer and fall months I drink a lot of Hibiscus tea, so I started buying it in bulk from the local shop that sells herbs and spices. I saw that in my bag of dried hibiscus there were a few...
  15. M

    I have 6 - 2700 CFL's and one 15w tube.. is this enough for flowering

    sounds like you've got it down, switched to 2700's for flowering; 156W from the spirals should be fine for one plant but where you place them will be important. You want to make sure the entire plant is exposed to light, not just the top level foliage. So while 156W is good for one plant, if...
  16. M

    2nd grow; single plant CFL grow discussion

    So I'm concerned now that the Afghan Kush Ryder seed hasn't sprouted yet. I put it into the soil after it began showing tap root over 3 days ago but no sprout yet. Should I have the pot in the grow box with lights on? Or should I wait until it sprouts and keep the pot near my base board heaters...
  17. M

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    just popped a WoS Afghan Kush Ryder and a Dinafem Could #9; going to do 20/4 with CFL, then when the kush is done I'll switch to 12/12 for the cloud 9. currently I am having issues with germination: did both seeds in shot glasses of water put on top of my base board heaters both sank after a few...
  18. M

    Auto grow

    I am just starting a WoS Afghan Kush Ryder myself, so I'm excited to see how yours grows. keep me posted.
  19. M

    Auto grow

    sounds like it should be ok but if you are planning to do all 3 plants at once you may want to consider putting in some small cfls here and there to get good light penetration to the sides and bottom of your plants. make sure you keep on top of how far your light is to the plants. You want to...