Growing Hibiscus From Seed


Good day everyone,

Does anyone here have experience growing Hibiscus plants from seed?

During the summer and fall months I drink a lot of Hibiscus tea, so I started buying it in bulk from the local shop that sells herbs and spices. I saw that in my bag of dried hibiscus there were a few seeds. My green thumb was twanging so I thought why not try to grow a plant.

After a few tries I got 2 seeds to germ, did the paper-towel germination trick but had to use a knife to cut a bit of the seed open to get any signs of germination to begin.

one plant died from a light falling on it ---> no longer growing the hibiscus in the same box as my.. other .. plants.

My question above is rather broad.. I don't know squat about the hibiscus plant, and mine is looking rather sickly. I had topped it hoping to keep it small before realizing that Hibsicus plants generally are large and bushy, so now I'm letting it go its own way.

Its currently growing in a small pot on my window sill facing east where it gets some afternoon light.

Would it be a good idea to just transplant it into a larger pot and let it grow on the floor of my room (just using the room's ambient light as primary energy with some residual afternoon sun from the window)?

Any tips and information about growing hibiscus would be greatly appreciated. I have no way of knowing what sub species the plant is because its a bagseed grow. (yes thats bagseed hibiscus, not weed...)


Well-Known Member
Yeah those are potentialy BIG plants, I'd give it at least a 12" container, much more if possible.

Is the tea made from the flowers or leaves? I know the plants are quite cheap at the nursery, but there are so many grown as fenceing around here I can jut pick some.


The tea is made from the dried leaves
its quite good, has a sour tangy flavor, deed red color, high in vitamin C and antioxidants. makes a great iced tea during summer time and is a great blend to mix with other teas.


Yeah that was essentially the spark of this grow. I started buying the tea in bulk form the local herb shop and found some seeds in with the dried flower; but I initially knew nothing about growing the plant; hibiscus tea is some of my favorite!


I've read the plants don't like too much light, especially when they are young, so growing like cannabis wouldn't fit the bill. 18+ hours of light a day..
But I have a few more seeds and can easily get more, so perhaps I'll experiment.

Thanks for all the tips
the hibiscus used in ladscaping is not the same as the ones used to make tea. the flower buds of the tea hibiscus are wat is used for tea.


I didn't know hibisucs was commonly used for landscaping. I don't know much about the plant other than I enjoy the tea.

The seeds I have are from the tea I bought (bulk herb store), so I assume its the right kind.

My plant is hanging in there. Its winter in New hampshire, and even though its growing inside, conditions are far from ideal.
Its not growing much, sorta seems like its in a really prolonged death. I wish I knew what to do to fix it. It is dying one leaf at a time, one leaf will go from green to yellow to brown to falling off...

I've tried more sun, less sun, more heat, less heat, more water, less water . . . I'm not sure what it needs. I guess I could check the soil ph, or look for some specialized fertilizer...

poor guy (or gal)