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  1. marcello3382

    Need Help??? Ask away!

    Hello Bob, I have a ? How long I should dry the planst up side down?
  2. marcello3382

    outdoor bud season . . . post your pics!

    Hello Nice Plants how long you think you till harvest and how much product you think you can get? I have a similar plant but is flowering no sign of white yeat.
  3. marcello3382

    Need Help??? Ask away!

    Hello Bob Thank you for your helpon my last post. I have another ? can you be ableto identify the name of this plants?
  4. marcello3382

    Need Help??? Ask away!

    Hello I'm Trying to find what is the problem with this plants and if is a male or female? Thank You very much for your time
  5. marcello3382

    Need help identifing this plants (photos)

    The new leafs are ok, should i do something to them or leavethem along? Thank You
  6. marcello3382

    Need help identifing this plants (photos)

    Hello I need help identifing this plants they are different? one of the plants has dry edge, what is that from? and is that a Male or female? Thank You
  7. marcello3382

    New Guy looking for advised on outdoor feeding ( picts )

    Spanishfly More Potash? the last number?
  8. marcello3382

    New Guy looking for advised on outdoor feeding ( picts )

    I Have this plants in the ground for 6 weeks and I have plants that are 9" to 36" plants that are starting to flower, should i stop feeding Nitrogen and start with 12-55-6 Now or wait or give them both? Thank You
  9. marcello3382

    Need Advise... First timer

    No way North
  10. marcello3382

    Need Advise... First timer

    thank you guys... What you thing this plants will produce?
  11. marcello3382

    Need Advise... First timer

    Today and for the next 3 days are going to be very hot (106) but the norm is 90-92. Should I give them shade?
  12. marcello3382

    Need Advise... First timer

    Hello Forum I need information on my plants they are 6 weeks old and I have some that are 12" and some that are 36" what can I expect to harvest out of them? and they look ok? or they need to be open in the center to get more sun ligth? Thank You
  13. marcello3382

    Need Help??? Ask away!

    Thank You..... I have 3 plants that are 8" if they are not mature they will not flower? all my plants are outside... Thank you again
  14. marcello3382

    Need Help??? Ask away!

    Hello i have a question? What size the plants should be outdoor before they start flowering? Thank you