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ok iv got 4 NL plants 3 are over 17" one is about 9" ( it nearly died at a week old but i managed to save it :) hence the differance in size, i woundering what to do with it as the light wont be as close as it is to the others, im using a 600w and have a spare 400w what do u suggest ? soil grow btw



600 watts for 4 plants is kinda over kill IMO, I would switch to the 400w
Really ? i got told by a few people 400 wouldn't be enough as it only kicks out a 1 square meter print.. im using 30litre tubs so it gotta be quite big, i used a 400w for 3 plants before and they kinda struggled, these babys look very healthy :D


Well-Known Member
ok iv got 4 NL plants 3 are over 17" one is about 9" ( it nearly died at a week old but i managed to save it :) hence the differance in size, i woundering what to do with it as the light wont be as close as it is to the others, im using a 600w and have a spare 400w what do u suggest ? soil grow btw

Try raising the shorter one up with something (blocks of wood) to meet the height of the others.So you have an even canopy.



Okay we changed are mind we are going to do autoflowering strains... this way in about 2 1/2 months were done nd after the first month of grow we r goin 2 grab clones and so forth and so forth... That way we are always harvesting every month


Well-Known Member
I have 5 24" plants... Can I flower them under one(1) 1000 MH conversion lamp? How many more could I fit if so? What kinda yield am I looking at per plant?
Thank You..... I have 3 plants that are 8" if they are not mature they will not flower? all my plants are outside... Thank you again


Ok I'm panicking here....

I let my plants get too tall. This is my first grow and I had no idea that they triple in size when they bud!! SHIT. They are 3 feet tall already and I'm just going to put them into budding tonight now that I know they're so huge. Theres not much room for them to grow upwards, I really would have liked to get that top cola but I'll sacrifice it to salvage this grow. How can I trim them in a way that they aren't going to take over the small room? What should I do? Can I trim them during budding or should I do it before? HELP


Well-Known Member
Hey Bob, great thread and props to you (and Riddleme) for helping out and answering all these ques.

Heres my setup...I have 4 plants about a week into flowering.I'm using FFOF soil along with the FF Big Bloom,Grow Big,and Tiger Bloom.Everything seems to be going well.When I purchased my gear from my local hydro shop the owner tossed in a bottle of Bio Bud Bloom Booster (Organic) into my box for free.He told me to use this in place of the FF solubles (Open Sesame,Beastie Bloomz,and Cha Ching) that FF recommends on their feeding schedule.

Is this correct?
Should I be using this with FF Trio (BB,GB,TB)?

As of right now I've only used FF Big Bloom and Grow Big.I plan on introducing Tiger Bloom soon to the plants and was curious if the Bio Bud Bloom was something I should use with this grow or maybe save it for another grow?

You can check my Journal through my sig. if you like.

Oh, And just to let ya know I sub'd to this thread from the beginning and have learned a lot from reading the questions and answers in here.

Thanx for your time,

It should work, I've heard of people mixing fox farm nutes with various other kinds, and with descent results! Try it out! I've heard some good things about the GH organic line! Plus you'd be saving some money, not having to buy the FF trio!



Well-Known Member
ok iv got 4 NL plants 3 are over 17" one is about 9" ( it nearly died at a week old but i managed to save it :) hence the differance in size, i woundering what to do with it as the light wont be as close as it is to the others, im using a 600w and have a spare 400w what do u suggest ? soil grow btw

You should be able to place that plant on top of a stack of books or a small stool, to level out the canopy...


Edit: Didn't see that you were already helped! Thanks for helping the thread lowphat +rep!


Well-Known Member
Cool man !
Doing a great job man. ALways informative and useful info. ! +rep

I just wish others wouldn't sabotage your thread with the answers... lol
No, I really appreciate the help! Especially when I'm away! Work keeps me so busy, and I only have like an hour of time online before I literally pass out from exhaustion!!!



Well-Known Member
I have 5 24" plants... Can I flower them under one(1) 1000 MH conversion lamp? How many more could I fit if so? What kinda yield am I looking at per plant?
You can fit a few more, but for maximum yield I would only do about 12 plants all together, at the most...
At 24", I think you can probably get a gram per watt, maybe more with an HPS...



Okay so I live in Florida, if I were to start a plant outdoors right now would it be a good idea? In Florida the average coldest winter temperatures are like 50 to 45 degrees. And it gets that cold starting from mid November. Sometimes it gets even colder then that but usually overnight. A friend of mine says the days will start to change now and it will be a 12/12 cycle so the plant will autoflower and I will have a low yield. Is this true. And what if I brought the plants indoors overnight?