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  1. T

    I think my dog is a racist

    there was this one time me and my boy were over his sisters house and she was in the kitchen makin sandwiches or sumthin and her dog walked up and licked like an eigth of hers of the coffee table and it happened so fast we couldnt really stop it but then she came in the room and we were like "oh...
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    anti-arabic day?

    yeah ive been stealing from my local corner store all day
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    My Grandma's Homemade Ice Cream Recipe

    how do i make it with weed?
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    Some F*cked Up Sh*t

    damn ive wondered what would happen if we did that but thought it would be pretty fucked up to those kids but damn they really did that? do you know how those kids ultimately turned out?
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    Help me! I just smoked some weed, and now I'm flat... omfg please help me!

    well i was in a weed related car accident, not caused by being high but i was trying to light a joint and caused a four car pile up but ya that commercial was retarded
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    when are you a pro grower

    well it was pretty far away from where my plants were (actually a lot closer to my house) but its like 5 feet tall
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    when are you a pro grower

    no but it was in a bright yellow pot of the side of the trail it was asking to be taken
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    when are you a pro grower

    mmmm... maybe it doesnt make me a pro grower but just wanted to share, at the beggining of the summer i was growing some plants but they barely grew 6 inches tall when a large area of the woods burnt down including where my plants were so i thought damn no weed for me this year, but about a week...
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    when are you a pro grower

    when your plants burn down in the middle of the woods in the beggining of the summer but then at the end of the summer you find a nice plant that just started flowering, like me:)
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    For Real Stoners....

    haha but the thing under ur name says ur a stoner edit:haha and mine says im a marijuana toker
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    Freaking Butt hole Friend

    so im kinda angry at my greedy "jewish" friend. earlier today we went into the city and i didnt have alot of money with me i had like 12 bucks and my buddy was gattin weed and sum whiskey, and our other friend sed he was gonna just meet us there cuz he didnt wanna drive every1 back home, so i...
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    Cannabis Helps Cure Cancer

    i just wish when that guy held up the folder full of papers and said "this is full of proof of why weed is bad" montel or sum1 shouldve been like ok let me look at it, then they probly wouldve been like "oh look a folder full of blank paper is why weed is bad?"
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    Does Holding Smoke In Longer Get You More Baked?

    haha yeah man i love when i burp up smoke a while after i last smokked it always makes me laugh
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    Does Holding Smoke In Longer Get You More Baked?

    ive heard that after like 6 second yyou get all you can out of a hit so i just try and hold the smoke in for about 6 seconds and let it out i dont know if its true but 6 seconds is a could amount of time to hold it in anyway i think
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    Cannabis Helps Cure Cancer

    damn i just watched all the videos in that bottom list about marijuana and thats some shit, the only points against it were 1)its addicting (what about all the alternative drugs to it) 2)its better to be addicted to opiates and such than weed (and i would really like to no why, what bad side...
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    The Police have a weapon to detect canabis 2013

    well lets get weed legalized b4 2013
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    Favorite High Movies

    any1 see a movie called the crazies i saw it the other day (high) and it was a pretty crazy movie kinda fucked up, its a pretty good movie to watch high, and i like all the movies you guys have been sayin but does any1 else like to watch scary movies when their high, i would probly rather watch...
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    What Do You Think About The Radiation Situation In Japan?Is The Gov't Keeping Secrets

    yo that shits fucked up!!! i saw on the news they found radiation in my towns water reservior, they said its ok because "they dilluted the water and there was no radiation makin to houses" can some1 please tell me how u dilute radiation? edit:and just a sidenote 2012 is lookin like a pretty...
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    How many times is your license plate being ran per day?

    i love that my neighbor deals out of his house i would never drop the dime on him
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    The world ending? What will you do...

    well i would get all the weed and alcohol i can get then get my closest friends and find some dope chicks and bring everything/one to my highschool science classroom because i dont know why but even a minute seemed like an eternity in there