when are you a pro grower


Active Member
I would say you are a professional grower when...
1. You grow for profit :)
2. You can grow consistantly over 1.2g per watt or better.
3. Grow like this in your sleep LOL

Probably a great start to a truly professional grower.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
not that anybody gives a fuck what oaksterdam thinks but they claim your an expert grower when you have 100,000 clocked hours in the garden
Is that a typo? 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, 52 weeks a year is 2,080 hours/year. So full time gardening would take 48 years. And if you gardened 24/7/365 and never slept it would still take you 11.5 years. You are beyond professional long before that point.


Well-Known Member
When you understand various mediums enough to select one that is right for you
When you understand light and light cycles
When you understand Temperature and when to raise/lower
When understand when to raise lower ph/ppms
When you understand RH *Relative Humidity
When you understand NPK how much is too much

When you can look at your plant and know that something is wronf AND how/what to adjust


Well-Known Member
when people are busting your door down trying to get your product.

not to be confused with pro online poker player.


Well-Known Member
when you can consistently grow great high quality weed. i don't think you have to know everything to be a professional, there is always room for improvement or new ideas and perspectives worth exploring.


New Member
Professional means making money at your specific trade or skill. So I guess when you sold to those kids in the school yard your schwag you went pro.


Well-Known Member
I've taken my overs to the local club and they have called me a Master Grower.
I do not consider my self even close.
I do however grow some intense weed with tight buds!!!


Well-Known Member
Is that a typo? 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, 52 weeks a year is 2,080 hours/year. So full time gardening would take 48 years. And if you gardened 24/7/365 and never slept it would still take you 11.5 years. You are beyond professional long before that point.
hahaha it must have been 10,000 then

the hashshasher

Active Member
when your plants burn down in the middle of the woods in the beggining of the summer but then at the end of the summer you find a nice plant that just started flowering, like me:)