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  1. R

    400 Watt pineapple chunk grow

    My first PC grow was grow area looked like fkn Amazon.....i had them bitches tied down so many differant ways.....the thing to do with them is to do a short veg until about a foot tall then 12/12.......great weed tho.... very unusual fragrence....sweet and mellow!
  2. R

    will a plant flower faster under 800 watt hps than if under 400 watt hps?

    Ok...thanks... are t5's ok to veg? I've been using t12's and was wondering.... or would of be with getn metal halide?
  3. R

    will a plant flower faster under 800 watt hps than if under 400 watt hps?

    Sorry... hope that is not a stupid question...
  4. R

    final harvest....what can i do to make denser buds?

    i grew pineapple chunk..... the buds look like they have been rolled in sugar but are really really airy looking.....the buds actuallly have a very strong citrus smell.... guell thats how it gets its name......
  5. R

    final harvest....what can i do to make denser buds?

    ive got a good supply of fresh air coming in and the old air constantly being moved out...can i run two 400 watt on a 15 amp circuit?
  6. R

    final harvest....what can i do to make denser buds?

    also... i was told that a 400 hps is too much for a scrog... i thought i sounded silly but wanted some input from some experts....
  7. R

    final harvest....what can i do to make denser buds?

    i may add another 400watt hps... would 2 400 watt be too much for a 5x4 area?
  8. R

    final harvest....what can i do to make denser buds?

    well everything i had hanging is dry and in jars.. final weight is 1lb 2 buds did turn out like i wanted them too.... they were covered completly with tricolms but the bud were kinda fluffy.....what can i do to tightn them up next time?
  9. R

    buds almost doubled overnight?

    well the strain is pineapple chunk..... ive got clones already started..... it just shocked me that they grew so much so quick
  10. R

    buds almost doubled overnight?

    i checked my girls night b4 last and then checked them last night when the lights came on and the are twice as thick.... does this happen often?
  11. R

    scrog question

    what if i was to do a box of green? 400hps too much or not enough?
  12. R

    scrog question

    i thinking for my next grow to do a scrog.... i was told by someone not to use a 400 watt hps to scrog.... but i think i can... just wanted to see what everyones opinion was on it..... and if anyone has any advice feel free to post
  13. R

    Bucket in the tree

    I have a few old strap on hunting stands.... Could place them 30 or 40 foot in a tree.... Buckets could sit nicely on the stands...wrap the buckets in burlap so the dont look so obvious if someone did look up...
  14. R

    plants 7 foot tall at 5 weeks into flowering

    well ive tied the shit out of them.... seems like i have new growth every day.... my grow area is 5 x 5 wt 7 foot ceiling....looks like a fricking jungle in there
  15. R

    plants 7 foot tall at 5 weeks into flowering

    well i got a 400 wt hps..... 8 40 wt T12... 6 120 wt cfls..... and a partridge in a pear tree...
  16. R

    plants 7 foot tall at 5 weeks into flowering

    ill try and get some pics.... they were clones that my buddy gave me.... pineapple chunk.....they are drinking over a gallon of water a day.... is that normal?
  17. R

    plants 7 foot tall at 5 weeks into flowering

    Ive got 4 plants and they are over 7 foot tall... Ive tied them down to 5 foot.... How much more will they grow? They are all flowering very nice... Counted over 400 that good?
  18. R

    My First Grow Room!!

    i built something similar to what you have..... i am using a squirell cage fan out of an old sucks all the hot air out of the rooms and draws fresh air through from holes on the front side..... same setup on carbon filter