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  1. permjuice


    Thanks for all the replies! I will definitely get one of those scopes and wait a little longer. jrinlv: They are bag seeds.
  2. permjuice


    Ok these are better pics. Maybe these will give you guys a better idea of what im working with. If it still sucks I will just pic up one of those 60x babies from radio shack. Thanks for the help so far.
  3. permjuice


    Whats up guys? This is my 8th week of flowering on a highly sativa plant. I cant tell if these trichombs are clear or cloudy, its my first grow. I thought I had at least two or three more weeks to go but now im not sure. Any help will be appreciated thanks.
  4. permjuice

    6th week of flowering, leaves look bad!

    Thanks man, If i only have given it cal-mag once since the flush could that still play a role in the rusty color?
  5. permjuice

    6th week of flowering, leaves look bad!

    Ok guys, i am on my 6th week of flowering about to start the 7th. I have really bad leaf issues. The buds look good but my leaves look horrible on the top. I did a 60 gallon flush about two weeks ago to get rid of any salt build up. Since then I have only done one feeding with grow big and...
  6. permjuice

    Broken branch 5th week of flowering, will it hermie?

    I accidentally broke a lower branch and I am on the 5th week of flowering. Will it cause my plant to hermie out?
  7. permjuice

    If you break a lower branch during flowering will it hermie?

    I accidentally broke a lower branch and I am on the 5th week of flowering. Will it cause my plant to hermie out?
  8. permjuice

    Anti-fungus spray , during flowering? Help!

    I think I might have a fungus (rust to be exact) will using a anti-fungus spray hurt my buds? I am on my fifth week of flowering and I have at least five more to go.(HEAVY SATIVA) Any info would be greatly appreciated.
  9. permjuice

    Please help! Definciency in the fourth week of flowering!

    Thanks for the advice guys. I just watered it last night and it usually takes about 5 days to dry out should i wait until the next watering to flush it?
  10. permjuice

    Please help! Definciency in the fourth week of flowering!

    Help! Still have some sort of deficiency in the fourth week of flowering! I still have some sort of deficiency but I cant figure it out. The...
  11. permjuice

    Newbie with some leaf discoloration concerns 2 and half weeks into flowering. Please

    I tested my my soils ph last night and it was a little high. I couldn't get a definite reading because I'm using molasses as well and it makes the water brown looking. I guess i should stop the molasses for a while and just use water with a correct ph. My water is 6.5 before I add anything to it.
  12. permjuice

    Newbie with some leaf discoloration concerns 2 and half weeks into flowering. Please

    I definitely have some ph fluctuations. It so hard getting it to one point and keeping it there especially when using nutes. Will this cause them to freak out and go hermie?
  13. permjuice

    Newbie with some leaf discoloration concerns 2 and half weeks into flowering. Please

    I am 2 and half weeks into flowering and my leaves are turning yellow and brown with some reddish dots. I am using tiger bloom and big grow and molasses for my nutes. if anyone can give me any advice it would be greatly appreciated. I took some pics of some of the leaves that I removed...
  14. permjuice

    13 days into flowering,Seems like it is developing slower than it should.

    Update on flowering progress Ok, its been 8 days since my first post. She seems to be maturing decently. I think I came to the conclusion that it was just delayed a bit due to: Increasing my wattage significantly right before...
  15. permjuice

    13 days into flowering,Seems like it is developing slower than it should. PLEASE HELP

    Ok, its been 8 days since my first post. She seems to be maturing decently. I think I came the conclusion that it was just delayed a bit due to: Increasing my wattage significantly right before flowering. And or having a ph that dropped due to nutrients. (problem corrected) And I have been...
  16. permjuice

    13 days into flowering,Seems like it is developing slower than it should.

    lime 73: I am using tiger bloom and big grow and molasses. hall 420: thanks man I will take some more pics as soon my camera stops jacking up on me.
  17. permjuice

    13 days into flowering,Seems like it is developing slower than it should. PLEASE HELP

    Thanks man, I'm going with soil this time. Fox's Farm The temps range between 73 and 80
  18. permjuice

    13 days into flowering,Seems like it is developing slower than it should. PLEASE HELP

    Awesome, that's who I was going to go with. Glad to hear They are highly recommended. As far as the pistils go, the pic doesnt show them well but they are there. They showed up around day 9. I just thought they would have developed more than they have by now. I know its only 4 days but I have...